You can be born abroad, and be US Pres if, both parents are US citizens, or if one is citizen and the other is a US national who lived in the US for at least one year. Obama's father was neither. Obama's Kenyan family signed affidavits that he was born in Kenya. Obama's submitted certificate is not legitimate (don't believe Factcheck, they are too liberal - check their credentials). Obama also will not release his college or med records. Why? Probably indicate his place of birth. Why should we care? If he's illegal he still might be a good Pres., but we should care because, if he's hiding his Kenyan birth, then he is a deceitful liar. "It's always in the coverup." Have you ever seen such a secretive Pres candidate? Why? Now, you yawners out there who want this to go away, can you come up with some other PROOF in his favor? Something more than Factcheck?
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I think it's fishy. Its simply a matter of checking to see if he meets the requirements of the job he is "applying" for. We all have to do the same thing. I don't know if he is or isnt legit, but wtf is the big deal about showing proof? He has it or he doesnt. If he doesnt he should be disqualified.
Seems like if hes hiding that, theres plenty more he probably is too.
confident, the State of Hawaii the day previously the election on condition that President decide for Obama has a valid transport certificates indicating that he replaced into born in Hawaii and is a organic and organic born American citizen. This replaced into consistently a ineffective difficulty and is now thoroughly invalid as an argument. apparently, fairly some my fellow Republicans are having worry letting bypass. :-) Pastor John
Obama and the left-wing media won't report on these facts, and as Dr. Jerome Corsi found out, they will go to extreme measures to suppress this information.
It can't be put to rest until the truth comes out! Even the Clinton's have alluded to this. Hillary is waiting and is hoping that this information does surface, and Obama is disqualified. Then, without her having to had proved it, she can step in and take over.
However, with the election day so close, it may be after the election that this is truly answered, at which time Obama will put the country under martial law.
Exactly. Why will he not just provide the vault certificate they are asking for, not this one with minimal info on it he has provided on his website. He has something to hide or he would be waving it around in every state during every speech!
Also just love the judge's reasoning for dismissing the suit.