Is it fair to treat people badly if they look good?

God given good looks and genes - does it help or hinder?
all my life I have been blessed with good looks and a raquel welch body and I have had nothing but hatred from females - they either make my life very difficult at work or in social settings - I was born this way and I do little to appear attractive to others - however now at 60 I am still treated like the enemy by other women - this is not a brag session as I feel very insolated and lonely except by the men - which is not a place in my life I want to be - dressing up or down does not seem to matter - nor am I stuck on myself - far from it

in all sincerity I ask women out there - why do we hate good looking women - how do you get pass the looks and get to know the person - do you judge a person on their looks only?

I have been faithfully married for 28 years - love my husband - I am honest and work very hard to get ahead

I have notice this is not just my problem but is with most of the attractive females around - they are the most gossiped about - ignored - the the cruel brunt of mean rumours...

please - no insults



lol, I am a very out going person and I always go out of my way to say something nice especially to all women. I talk to them, help them, and laugh and even cry with them. This doesn't change that some of these women would never bother to give me the time of day even if I invite them for a coffee.
I smile plenty and dress like everyone, nothing to tight just comfortable. I get asked out for lunch with the most of the attractice ladies and we have get along really well
It is the other ladies who I would love to have join in with us and they act like we are leapords. When I question the hossitles, it usually is told to me that and others that these other ladies are jealous, we are all people and not interested in their men
thanks to those who understood and I will be happy to pass all info on to our very large company :-)
We are still only people at the end of everyday who would like to get along and enjoy our required time at work!


Favorite Answer

Jealousy, my dear. But you already know that, right? Of course it's not fair, the way you treat someone shouldn't be guided by such low instincts. But you're 60, you've lived a lot already, you know what it's like... What can I say? Congratulations on your happy marriage. Try not to mind the blockheads. I'm assuming you treat other people right, of course... :)


Not to be insulting but my guess is you have been so stuck on yourself you don't notice it. Contrary to what you may think most women could care less how you look. I you have a large number of women who dislike you it is time to take a look at what you are doing???

I have worked with many drop dead gorgeous women who did not have the problems you are dealing with.

I also have worked with women nobody liked. The woman was very nice and pleasant to be around until she opened her mouth longer than 5 minutes. In her mind she was just holding a general conversation. In the minds of other co-workers she constantly bragged and went on and on about how much her husband made for a living and that she did not really need this job. She was here because she was bored. That conversation did not go well with working parents trying to earn a living on the meager wages we were getting.

So take a look within if you are really concerned and go from there. And yes i do know there are women who will treat you like crap because you are beautiful but not all.

Controlled Chaos2008-10-26T18:20:54Z

I get what you mean. I have that problem occasionally, but usually my personality wins over anyone who would matter. I'm not trying to insult you, but have you taken a good look at how you treat other people? Nothing to do with looks, but general niceness. I don't know you, you could be the nicest person ever, just a thought.


Maybe they weren't jealous of your looks, maybe they didn't like your personality. You seem a little stuck up and self-centered, no offense. If you think you're the best looking person around, you're going to treat other women as if they're beneath you, either consciously or unconsciously.


i imagine of optimal human beings favor what that they'd't have. i do no longer comprehend what the allure is definitely. i comprehend i have were given been accountable of staying with a guy that ought to have dealt with me more suitable efficient and blew off some quite effective human being adult men. i imagine of adulthood performs an excellent function. Now i'm with an quite effective guy, and that i imagine of what the hell grew to change into into i seeing in the diverse guy(no longer so effective guy). at the same time as your older youll be a prize. Younge women do no longer get exhilaration from effective human being adult men.

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