What if Osama Bin Laden put out a video now like he did before the 2004 election?

The 2004 election was still very close when Bin Laden put out a video telling America basically that their security depended on leaving Arab states alone. Some would say it was one of the reasons Bush pulled out a win over Kerry as Bush took a six-point lead in previously tight polls after the video came out.

Would it effect your vote if OBL puts out another "October surprise" in the days leading to the election?

Moderates Unite!2008-10-27T11:17:28Z

Favorite Answer

Al Qaeda supports McCain becoming president. Another good reason to vote Obama 08


What if I put out a video saying I was going to blow something up if one a certain candidate got the presidency? 9/11 was the only foreign terrorist attack on american soil ever.... but there have been TONS of terrorist attacks on america.. abortion clinics being bombed.. those anthrax letters were done by americans.. yada yada.. who really cares what the hell osama bin laden says.


I voted for Obama and my vote will always stay that way.


Won't effect my vote one bit.

Sid R2008-10-27T18:21:25Z

that'll be a gift to the McCain campaign