Would you describe yourself as a practical person who is good at real life or as a dreamer who fantasizes?

Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.

Thanks for your participation.


Favorite Answer

im more of a dreamer who fantasizes...dreaming is just free, so sky's the limit...coz the impossible could be possible [in my dreams]
i dreamt of being a doctor, but there's no way for me to be one, coz i took a different course/degree (due to some complicated circumstances).
but still, i fancy that im a doctor...


A bit of both. A Practical Dreamer /Fantasizer that puts those Dreams to work.


Bit of both I'd say

I fantasize about what I'd like to achieve, but I don't really do enough about it.
Occasionally i'll have bursts of enthusiasm, but usually fizzles out lol

...but with my job and lifestyle at the moment, id also say i was good at real life, managing finances, good sense of direction.

Overall, ye.... totally a bit of both.


''dreamer who fantasizes''
I fantasize a lot about a lot of things but I never do them when it comes to it.


I m simple, practical and love to everybody .