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Would you describe yourself as a practical person who is good at real life or as a dreamer who fantasizes?

Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.

Thanks for your participation.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both. What many define as daydreaming I define as creative visualization. My practical skills are responsible for the success of my "fantasy". Is ambition a creative visualization? Probably at least it plays into the grand scheme of things. As a youth, I wanted to attend college. I grew up on a large farm in Southern IL. Education for females was definitely not a priority for this milieu. So, I found employment in a respected position, enrolled in a community college resulting in a degree in "mechanical drafting", and away I went. I am now a professional in a valuable and respectable position. This is the result of creative visualization.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A bit of both. A Practical Dreamer /Fantasizer that puts those Dreams to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am definitely practical, because I take care of me, maybe too practical, come to think about it, but in the real life scenario of today

    how can a person have dreamy dreams, I don't think so. I still love life and do not feel like I am walking on egg shells, I've already been there, Smile and keep on going.

  • Miz D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am a bit of both. My family and friends know I'm the dependable person who keeps promises, takes care of "business" when family disasters happen and has good sense. The other part of me is the dreamer who loves to read mysteries, watch adventure movies, and daydream about sunny vacation spots. A person can only take so much reality without a break.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am an extremely practical person. . . A single mother who raised her children alone, has to be ! I am also religious, and thank God every day for the blessings He has given me.. . . and I think I am more of an optimist than a dreamer . I set a goal, and I go for it, I don't sit around waiting for it to happen. . . That goal may be astronomical, but hey, it is fun trying to achieve it . Good Question !

  • 1 decade ago

    A bit of both. Almost everyday, I would drive by this little shop and think to myself, I would love to own that place. I could picture myself there. Three years later as I was going through the want ads (looking for a new dog) I noticed it was for sale. I called on it and because I am practical with money, I could afford to buy it. I owned it for almost fifteen years. Absolutely true story.

  • Poppy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am a dreamer.To me the good life would be my children and grandchildren living close by, not hours away. My son and his family live in Alaska, my daughter and her family live in Boston but may move to Maine where her husband is from. It is rare to see them. We email each other a lot and send pictures, but still, I miss them. I am practical too. I help my hubby on our small farm and pay our bills as well. Children grow up and most move away, that is a natural thing for all of us. But I do have my dreams of family and home. Poppy

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Bit of both I'd say I fantasize about what I'd like to achieve, but I don't really do enough about it. Occasionally i'll have bursts of enthusiasm, but usually fizzles out lol ...but with my job and lifestyle at the moment, id also say i was good at real life, managing finances, good sense of direction. Overall, ye.... totally a bit of both.

  • ms.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Mostly a practical person who holds a job and gets the bills paid and manages the household to a decent degree. I don't try to live above my means as to not stress myself financially and I try to address medical problems, family problems and relationship problems as they arise without getting too dramatic. BUT...hehehe...I still hold onto to my dreams, as far fetched as some of them may seem right now, I still hold on to them because they are part of what makes life fun, and part of the reason I work hard.

    i.e. I still want to have 50 acres of land and horses. I want a pottery studio, I want to travel to other countries. Sometimes I have fantasies that are probably out of reach in my lifetime, but I allow myself to have them, it's fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an extremely responsible person. I am an old hippie,(the good kind). I am independent, pay all my bills and am kind.

    I fantasize a lot, always have. believed in the possibility of UFO's way before it was popular. Hope to live a lot longer for earthly answers. What I don't learn here, I hope we will be privileged to learn in God's heaven.

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