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happy inside

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I am 55 years old and I have finally decided to be happy with myself and with my life. What took me so long?

  • Can fleas from a cat be transferred human to human?

    My cat has fleas and I have flea bites. I couldn't put the flea medicine on her, but now someone is coming over to help me. My question is can I transfer fleas to other people since I already have flea bites

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • For the curious romantics, how do you relate to my poem?

    "While Reading Don Quixote"

    This love story never happened

    Or this love story is untrue

    Although it must have happened

    countless times in my mind

    Yet there may be truth in my mind

    Or it may be an illusion

    But I will tell you what happened

    and you can judge

    whether or not it can be true

    I told my lover

    if you want to embrace me,

    embrace my poems

    When you embrace me,

    you only embrace my body

    If you will embrace my poem,

    you will embrace my soul

    He agreed instantly saying

    “Read me one poem before we embrace

    Let’s caress each word

    Linger over its meaning

    Hold and penetrate every interpretation

    Until we completely possess

    and ride every possibility”

    We finished reading my poems

    All was discovered, laid bare

    Until boredom the enemy entered and took over

    My lover took his leave saying

    “I’ll return when there is another poem to embrace”

    Dear reader,

    does the amount of truth in this story,

    decrease or increase the pleasure or satisfaction

    you have with it

    May I say, there is truth,

    If there is truth in my mind

    And so, by this reasoning,

    fantasies and illusions are true

    If this muddles the issue, dear reader,

    please use your own reason

    to arrive at a reasonable conclusion

    For this poet, always will prefer

    the wanderings of her mind

    But suddenly upon further reflection

    I do recall a memory of a true lover,

    a true affair very similar in nature

    to my fantasy that I just related to you

    Perhaps if I encountered my lover this very moment

    and prevailed upon him to read this poem,

    what do you imagine the outcome would be?

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • In my dream, the narrator said "she is waiting for the cat to eat half of her"?

    What do you think that means? Thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my poem "My Trip: Nothing New"?

    I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism.

    Thanks to all who participate.

    "My Trip: Nothing New"

    I don't want to do anything new

    I'm waiting to go on my trip

    to my three brothers

    who never knew me and never will

    who will revive those

    sad childhood feelings

    to those brothers

    who will remind me

    how different I am

    and I'm not talking gender

    I will be pretending to be adult

    pretending to be sensible and

    desperately keeping my head up

    while I just prefer to float on my back

    And I have to have fun, good times,

    smile and laugh

    Yes, I have to be a joiner, join

    their fun, their conversation

    Perhaps, I will fail

    I'll get back to my listening

    and understanding mode

    I'll turn into the confidant

    that sympathetic, empathetic

    listener role that I do to perfection

    I don't want to do anything new

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my poem which deals with the Holocaust and my dark side?

    Survivor’s Luck

    Now that we have left the century of the Holocaust

    we have an outpouring, flood of Holocaust art -

    movies, memoirs, plays, installations

    And yet we know even if we are moved,

    we cannot know if we weren’t there

    My friends or so-called friends drain me

    I wouldn’t mind throwing them

    into the fiery pit of my mind

    to be destroyed there

    And would I have survivor’s guilt

    if I did

    If I will be honest,

    I am also a so-called friend

    Would I visit the latest memorial to the 6 million

    or join the March of the Living

    Or am I just a so-called Jew

    Pretending to feel the horrors

    My friend’s father,

    a Holocaust survivor

    told his story,

    sitting in the kitchen

    to friends and family

    I sat in the living room, watching

    I would not get up

    I would not join them

    I would not finally witness his story

    Was it fear

    Was it sorrow

    Was it a form of my so-called sensitivity

    Or some kind of perversity saying like a devil,

    even in the horror, you are unwelcome

    So I don’t know his story

    from sheer willpower not to know

    I do remember hearing the word “luck”

    Of course, it had to be luck

    He didn’t know how he survived

    He was just lucky

    And I am lucky too

    For I have survived

    the horrors of my mind

    11 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my poem which deals with the Holocaust and my dark side?

    Survivor’s Luck

    Now that we have left the century of the Holocaust

    we have an outpouring, flood of Holocaust art -

    movies, memoirs, plays, installations

    And yet we know even if we are moved,

    we cannot know if we weren’t there

    My friends or so-called friends drain me

    I wouldn’t mind throwing them

    into the fiery pit of my mind

    to be destroyed there

    And would I have survivor’s guilt

    if I did

    If I will be honest,

    I am also a so-called friend

    Would I visit the latest memorial to the 6 million

    or join the March of the Living

    Or am I just a so-called Jew

    Pretending to feel the horrors

    My friend’s father,

    a Holocaust survivor

    told his story,

    sitting in the kitchen

    to friends and family

    I sat in the living room, watching

    I would not get up

    I would not join them

    I would not finally witness his story

    Was it fear

    Was it sorrow

    Was it a form of my so-called sensitivity

    Or some kind of perversity saying like a devil,

    even in the horror, you are unwelcome

    So I don’t know his story

    from sheer willpower not to know

    I do remember hearing the word “luck”

    Of course, it had to be luck

    He didn’t know how he survived

    He was just lucky

    And I am lucky too

    For I have survived

    the horrors of my mind

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you be kind enough to give me your true opinion of my poem "The Cold"?

    “The Cold”

    Cold as a sunny winter’s day

    Cold as a computer’s friendly user screen

    * * * *

    I am like my grandmother

    One minute laughing, the next minute crying

    My grandmother speaking in Yiddish to my mother,

    turned to me for one moment to say “get married”

    I didn’t marry

    * * * *

    The computer and the cellphones are the new love and sex objects

    When the cell phone rings, I rush to answer,

    in ecstasy, the song of an orgasm

    I gaze onto the computer screen with a lover’s intensity,

    a lover’s thrill

    Who sent me an email

    Who answered my question on Yahoo Answers

    And yet there is a great detachment

    as if the email was written by itself

    as if the people who answered questions on Yahoo Answers really are avatars

    Another online friend disappeared today

    I don’t know why and I don’t care to investigate

    A vague detachment has set in

    as if that communication was not with a real person

    as if that person existed just to entertain me like a computer game

    As Bruce Springsteen sings 57 channels and nothin’ on

    So we in the computer age are free

    to have instant communication with almost anyone in the world

    Then why I am so lonely and forlorn at home, hugging my cat

    Perhaps the cold computer is the same friend as the TV was

    Remembering how it keeps you company

    Never succumbing to loneliness when high tech help is always here

    The winter scares me

    The cold becoming colder

    The people rushing to get out of the cold

    The darkness with the bare trees

    and the traffic lights flashing without warmth

    The winter fear is reminding me that life is so cold

    as cold as online friendship

    even when it suddenly turns passionate

    as I type in words that mean so much to me

    proving to the other how clever and compassionate I am

    and proving to myself once again that I am a talented writer

    But then the words are cold too

    Placed on a cold screen to an unknown quantity

    Amazingly, this unknown quantity continues to respond

    to my quick wit masquerade

    The cold winter killing the green life

    and the lifeless computer connecting me to other lives

    These frozen lives live on, unnatural to this word intimacy,

    and without my ever feeling their breath on my face

    14 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Would you be kind enough to give me your true opinon of my poem "The Cold"?

    “The Cold”

    Cold as a sunny winter’s day

    Cold as a computer’s friendly user screen

    * * * *

    I am like my grandmother

    One minute laughing, the next minute crying

    My grandmother speaking in Yiddish to my mother,

    turned to me for one moment to say “get married”

    I didn’t marry

    * * * *

    The computer and the cellphones are the new love and sex objects

    When the cell phone rings, I rush to answer,

    in ecstasy, the song of an orgasm

    I gaze onto the computer screen with a lover’s intensity,

    a lover’s thrill

    Who sent me an email

    Who answered my question on Yahoo Answers

    And yet there is a great detachment

    as if the email was written by itself

    as if the people who answered questions on Yahoo Answers really are avatars

    Another online friend disappeared today

    I don’t know why and I don’t care to investigate

    A vague detachment has set in

    as if that communication was not with a real person

    as if that person existed just to entertain me like a computer game

    As Bruce Springsteen sings 57 channels and nothin’ on

    So we in the computer age are free

    to have instant communication with almost anyone in the world

    Then why I am so lonely and forlorn at home, hugging my cat

    Perhaps the cold computer is the same friend as the TV was

    Remembering how it keeps you company

    Never succumbing to loneliness when high tech help is always here

    The winter scares me

    The cold becoming colder

    The people rushing to get out of the cold

    The darkness with the bare trees

    and the traffic lights flashing without warmth

    The winter fear is reminding me that life is so cold

    as cold as online friendship

    even when it suddenly turns passionate

    as I type in words that mean so much to me

    proving to the other how clever and compassionate I am

    and proving to myself once again that I am a talented writer

    But then the words are cold too

    Placed on a cold screen to an unknown quantity

    Amazingly, this unknown quantity continues to respond

    to my quick wit masquerade

    The cold winter killing the green life

    and the lifeless computer connecting me to other lives

    These frozen lives live on, unnatural to this word intimacy,

    and without my ever feeling their breath on my face

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is the best thing to write in a blank card to my friend's daughter?

    She has a chronic disease, which she will have to live with the rest of her life. I would like to write something real, but heartwarming and/or cheerful, optimistic, positive.

    Thanks for your help.

    10 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • How has living without your significant other affected your life in positive and negative ways or any way?

    Significant other (spouse, partner, girlfriend, boyfriend)

    Not in your life due to: divorce, death, never found the right one

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • How has living without your significant other affected your life in positive and negative ways or any way?

    Significant other (spouse, partner, girlfriend, boyfriend)

    Not in your life due to: divorce, death, never found the right one

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Would you describe yourself as a practical person who is good at real life or as a dreamer who fantasizes?

    Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.

    Thanks for your participation.

    25 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Would you describe yourself as a practical person who is good at real life or as a dreamer who fantasizes?

    Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.

    Thanks for your participation.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What do you think about people who talk to themselves?

    Are they normal, abnormal, or some other description? Do you ever talk to yourself and under what circumstances? Please share your ideas, feelings and experiences.

    Thanks for your participation.

    27 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • What do you think about people who talk to themselves?

    Are they normal, abnormal, or some other description? Do you ever talk to yourself and under what circumstances? Please share your ideas, feelings and experiences.

    Thanks for your participation.

    14 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What do you think of The Refusal?

    The Refusal

    As I took my shower

    beads of water clung to my body

    as I clung to the freshness of my youth

    I would continue to play ball with my youth

    and my youth would catch the ball, not drop it

    No decay, decadence or “Death in Venice” for me

    As I refused to see my physical decline

    I continued to admire my body

    Remembering the lovers lusting for my body

    and insisting on calling it beautiful and young

    And even if sometimes I see blue pop-up veins,

    I will still see my small, firm, white, round breasts

    When I look at my face

    and feel continually surprised

    at another mark of age

    But then I am surprised again

    when suddenly my hair waves and curls

    as it also refuses to acknowledge aging

    I survey my face again

    and despite the bags,

    the blueness of my eyes live

    I told my friend the other day

    I have to work on my inner beauty

    and accept aging

    Is it so simple

    as when we say pretend to be happy

    and then suddenly the true emotion,

    the real happiness is yours

    I always thought appearance was the most superficial aspect of a person

    Then why now do I feel the men my age or older are not worthy of me

    These broken down men with their pot bellies, bald heads, tired worn out faces

    with the smell of hospital death surrounding them

    These men are not my peers

    Instead the young men engage me with their beauty and life force

    Perhaps, my friend will say to me, even now,

    why do you dispute and rebel the inevitable

    You must face your age and your death

    with equanimity, calmly, nobly

    I will answer

    that’s good for you

    you calm, serene, clear soul

    I have another soul

    and this soul

    tells me to remain a child

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • What do you think of "The Refusal"?

    The Refusal

    As I took my shower

    beads of water clung to my body

    as I clung to the freshness of my youth

    I would continue to play ball with my youth

    and my youth would catch the ball, not drop it

    No decay, decadence or “Death in Venice” for me

    As I refused to see my physical decline

    I continued to admire my body

    Remembering the lovers lusting for my body

    and insisting on calling it beautiful and young

    And even if sometimes I see blue pop-up veins,

    I will still see my small, firm, white, round breasts

    When I look at my face

    and feel continually surprised

    at another mark of age

    But then I am surprised again

    when suddenly my hair waves and curls

    as it also refuses to acknowledge aging

    I survey my face again

    and despite the bags,

    the blueness of my eyes live

    I told my friend the other day

    I have to work on my inner beauty

    and accept aging

    Is it so simple

    as when we say pretend to be happy

    and then suddenly the true emotion,

    the real happiness is yours

    I always thought appearance was the most superficial aspect of a person

    Then why now do I feel the men my age or older are not worthy of me

    These broken down men with their pot bellies, bald heads, tired worn out faces

    with the smell of hospital death surrounding them

    These men are not my peers

    Instead the young men engage me with their beauty and life force

    Perhaps, my friend will say to me, even now,

    why do you dispute and rebel the inevitable

    You must face your age and your death

    with equanimity, calmly, nobly

    I will answer

    that’s good for you

    you calm, serene, clear soul

    I have another soul

    and this soul

    tells me to remain a child

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Why do you think Heath Ledger had to resort to prescription

    pills rather than have friends and/or family to turn to?

    13 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Why do you think Heath Ledger had to resort to prescription

    pills rather than have friends and/or family to turn to?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Whenever I post a question, in any category,

    why do I always get the best (quality) and the most (quantity) answers from the Seniors section?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago