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For the curious romantics, how do you relate to my poem?

"While Reading Don Quixote"

This love story never happened

Or this love story is untrue

Although it must have happened

countless times in my mind

Yet there may be truth in my mind

Or it may be an illusion

But I will tell you what happened

and you can judge

whether or not it can be true

I told my lover

if you want to embrace me,

embrace my poems

When you embrace me,

you only embrace my body

If you will embrace my poem,

you will embrace my soul

He agreed instantly saying

“Read me one poem before we embrace

Let’s caress each word

Linger over its meaning

Hold and penetrate every interpretation

Until we completely possess

and ride every possibility”

We finished reading my poems

All was discovered, laid bare

Until boredom the enemy entered and took over

My lover took his leave saying

“I’ll return when there is another poem to embrace”

Dear reader,

does the amount of truth in this story,

decrease or increase the pleasure or satisfaction

you have with it

May I say, there is truth,

If there is truth in my mind

And so, by this reasoning,

fantasies and illusions are true

If this muddles the issue, dear reader,

please use your own reason

to arrive at a reasonable conclusion

For this poet, always will prefer

the wanderings of her mind

But suddenly upon further reflection

I do recall a memory of a true lover,

a true affair very similar in nature

to my fantasy that I just related to you

Perhaps if I encountered my lover this very moment

and prevailed upon him to read this poem,

what do you imagine the outcome would be?

4 Answers

  • John D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well. The nature of some loves, being simple need or appetite, may be satisfied physically or emotionally, delighted for a time with sex or thought, and then, when filled, lose interest. The poet's love is a gift, but like a box of chocolate will quickly satisfy (or never satisfy, if you don't care for chocolate). You share your words. It is a call to embrace, but words fade on the wind and bodies die and decay so unless your lover can embrace the flower and its corruption and being in the world for its own sake without interpretation -embrace you, then these brief flames will have to do. But if you have the fortune to be bound and tied and freed and passed through the sea of storms and endure for heaven sake, say thank you -even if nothing was or is ever really can be yours.

  • 5 years ago

    Sounds like a essential main issue if I had a mind. Don't like shotguns at the global until that is a few new drink like intercourse at the seashore or claws down your again. Yes I can relate I'm seeking to holiday out of that - have got to be the difference in season.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love your poem, as it is the real life experience, when the flame of the kundalini fire subsides, you have to waite upon , so can kindle it again, with a new passion, like a poet writes a poem, and if he is fully satisfied, he has to waite for the next mind blowing idea.

    Source(s): My views.
  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    really good your a natural, to be able to express your self like that is a real gift.

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