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What do you think about people who talk to themselves?

Are they normal, abnormal, or some other description? Do you ever talk to yourself and under what circumstances? Please share your ideas, feelings and experiences.

Thanks for your participation.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you saying some people don't?

  • 1 decade ago

    I often talk to myself. I find it has many advantages.

    I never talk about stuff I don't want to hear.

    I never interrupt.

    I never disagree with what I'm saying.

    I am always witty and urbane and I know when to change the subject or just stop.

    People who argue with themselves do tend to make me a little leery.

    There is a guy who lives on my block that walks down the sidewalk having a conversation with himself or someone the rest of us can't see.

    He will often stop, turn back and walk a few steps and then vehemently argue his point complete with gestures and facial expressions. When he feels he has made his point he will move on.

    But he is getting better. He used to get into karate fights with trees and telephone poles. ( no kidding)

    I have to go now, I have to ask myself what to make for dinner.

  • CJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well I live alone with my somewhat loquacious cat! So conversation of any kind is always welcome. Yes I do talk to myself - "Oh, where did I leave the keys- - - -" and then Katy (my cat) will meow loudly with her version of the answer. Or maybe, at dinner time, "Now what shall we eat tonight -- - " the never ending question - right? Katy will usually give me her opinion. And when I am paying bills - "Where did I put the Utility Bill?" Or "Darn I cannot find the postage stamps" - I bet, in truth, that most of us talk to ourselves more often than we care to admit!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like to talk to myself or pray out loud while I walk or ride my bike, it's easier to concentrate on my thoughts that way. I think lots of people do this. But I've known people who talked to themselves to the point that they were no longer aware of their surroundings, one woman was run over by a car because she was so distracted. I don't think that's normal.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are perfectly fine..I talk to myself, the computer, TV, and the cats..the cats and I answer, now if I could only speak special circumstances, usually to myself if I am everything else whenever they frustrate me..except the cats, they get talked to all the time..

  • 1 decade ago

    Most are normal, but there are those that seem to be talking to someone else even if there's no one there. I talk to myself frequently, to let off steam, to try to work out some kind of problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's different in every case. I occasionally curse aloud at myself for doing something stupid, or to rehearse a difficult message I have to deliver. But then I have known schizophrenics who talk to themselves.

    My cousin is autistic; he talks to himself. Talking to oneself covers a wide range of circumstances.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I asked my dad - the quintessential smartass - this question when I was a kid. His reply was, "It's okay to talk to yourself, just so long as you don't get back any answers."

    I think everyone talks to themselves at some point, whether or not youre griping about the kids leaving their clothes all over the bathroom or you're trying to figure out a solution to a problem. As long as you're not "hearing voices" and answering them, then I think it's okay :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I read where psychologists now believe that people who talk to themselves are actually saner, because they are able to work things out for themselves.

    It's when you begin arguing with yourself and losing those arguments that you have to start worrying.

  • 1 decade ago

    All the time! Sometimes it is embarrassing, especially at a stoplight. At those time I just crank up the radio and pretend I am singing. But I don't know why I should care what anyone thinks. Heck, I'm crazy, I talk to myself, and I'm proud of it!

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