What about infomercials?

(not sure on the spelling, please be kind)
I understand Obama is having a 30 min.
one tonight?
What is he trying to sell that I cannot buy off the shelf. Most of these that I have seen run on a limited time only and if you act today you get two for the price of one........I wonder.......


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I think it is a pathetically obvious attempt to buy this election. What does it say that he has spent 4 times more money and still is essentially tied in the race? What a damn waste of money. But he is a Dem and they are great at wasting money.


Its going to like a typical infomercial product. Looks great on tv, but once you order it and get in your home to try out, it never works the way it did on tv. Its just all hype by a really overly excited salesmen to get you excited to buy to a very crappy product.

liberals are moronicvoters2008-10-29T22:13:19Z

he will spend a half hour putting down mccain as usual making you think he is bush
factchek.org says obama saying that is a downright lie, that in the last 4 years obama has voted with his party 97% of the time and mccain only 61%
also they show mccains ideas are way different that bushes.
you must remember factcheck always sticks up for obama but they had to point out the truth here.


It was a joke I was embarrassed for him he set up the stage like he was in the oval office and just made the same old rhetoric as usual I believe this hurt him with the undecided.


change, if you like it the way it is know then vote for a thief who steal from thousands of people there life savings with the keating 5 scandal and has the nerve to run for president...

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