IF Obama wins the election... ?

Does it mean he was the best man for the job?
Does it simply mean that he bought the election by means of massive advertisements?

Obama has spent 4 times as much money on campaign ads.
Obama supports the group that's double-registering people.
Obama just did a half hour infomercial last night (Wed 10/29).

If he wins, does it mean that the presidency can be bought?
Does Obama's run for the presidency remind you of "The Golden Kazoo" ???


Vote the Smart Way... (?) with 4 times as much advertisements out there, Obama's percentage of negative ads equals many more negative ads than John McCain's negative ads.

If you have to do 4 times as much advertisement to get the job, that puts in question whether you deserve it.


LovingLife - I think they are all doing robo calls in all the states. I hang up on most of them. I'm getting robo calls from out of state phone numbers even.


Favorite Answer

Obama has spent at times 7 to 1 over McCain on TV ads. Last night he paid over $6 million of his donation dollars on a barrage of channels which many have described - boring to a little house on the prarie churn the butter infomercial.

The only thing that made it all possible is that all of this was paid for by money Obama promised in the first place not to receive. "Public donations".

He broke that simple promise......wow, can't wait to see what's next "if" he wins.


If he was buying it with his own money.. maybe.
But since that money is from contributions of mostly regular joe's who are donating their $5 through the web, I'd say it's because he is the more popular politician.
Obama has energized this nation like no candidate before - and it shows in the money he is able to raise for his campaign.
Now - as much as you may repeat this:
He does not support the group that's been accused of double-registering people. He has condemned that practice the second it came out.
And his half-hour infomercial?
Even Republican strategists said that he can't go wrong with it.
I don't know if you've watched it, but it was a very well-done summary of his plans for the country, mixed in with some stories of real-life people and their problems (you know how McCain keeps rubbing Joe the Plumber down our throats?.. well, Obama told their stories with a hell of a lot less propaganda and still brought his point across).
He didn't rant, didn't spread accusations about his opponents....
He simply used his chance to get his message out there without the media filtering every word coming out of his mouth.
I'm sure Republicans will use the "bought election" argument if Obama wins....
But honestly - how many people do you know who had their vote changed by a TV ad?
Not a single one in my experience.

Fancy That2008-10-30T09:26:29Z

Obama didn't create the corrupt election system we have in which advertising dollars make votes.

But did you feel the same when the GOP had the upper financial hand?

The truth is that more people want Obama in office, and they are willing to pony up the cash to back it up.

We need serious campaign reform that limits spending on elections. The GOP had 6 years to do this and it didn't even make the agenda. Let's hope the DNC will get the majority and take up the issue. It's no guarantee they will, but I'd say the odds are better.


It means that people thought he was the best man. Has anyone you ever meet been convinced to vote for someone because of the frequency of the ads for them? They might vote for them for what they saw in an ad, but the frequency (which is all that extra money buys you)? I actually become less likely to vote for that person when I hear the same ad 2 or 3 times in one commercial break like I have been for my state's Lieutenant Governor.

Scott D2008-10-30T09:25:16Z

I wish people would do productive things with their money instead of spending in on candidates. This year I took my political budget and gave half to charity, because I feel we can't ignore our obligations. The great thing about USA is we have greater private giving than any other country.

I wish that some of the $600 million BHO raised was donated to the Red Cross.

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