Am I ethnically Jewish?

My Great Grandparents on my Mother's side were Jewish, and it's been passed down on the female side at least to me.
My Mom isn't practicing and is adopted so she didn't know her family but I found out posthumously this Jewish lineage. Does that make me an ethnic Jew?

King George2008-11-03T10:28:37Z

Favorite Answer

who the heck cares


If you come from a line of Jewish women then yes.

The Doctor2008-11-03T07:48:00Z

if your mothers biological mother was Jewish so are you according to Jewish law whether or not you practice Judaism


Did I hear them saying Allah Akbar After Obama's Speech? I could swear it sounded like that LOL! Allah Akbar!


Basically, if the mother is a Jew, her children are Jewish. If a Jewish man marries a non-Jew woman, the children technically are not Jewish by birth. They of course can be raised as practicing Jews.

In any case, you need to do more research. If your mother's grandmother was a Jew, her children would have been Jews. If one of those female children is your mother, you then by birth are a Jew in terms of your heritage.

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