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Am I ethnically Jewish?

My Great Grandparents on my Mother's side were Jewish, and it's been passed down on the female side at least to me.

My Mom isn't practicing and is adopted so she didn't know her family but I found out posthumously this Jewish lineage. Does that make me an ethnic Jew?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    who the heck cares

  • Phil F
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you come from a line of Jewish women then yes.

  • 1 decade ago

    if your mothers biological mother was Jewish so are you according to Jewish law whether or not you practice Judaism

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did I hear them saying Allah Akbar After Obama's Speech? I could swear it sounded like that LOL! Allah Akbar!

    Source(s): Watwat
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  • 1 decade ago

    Basically, if the mother is a Jew, her children are Jewish. If a Jewish man marries a non-Jew woman, the children technically are not Jewish by birth. They of course can be raised as practicing Jews.

    In any case, you need to do more research. If your mother's grandmother was a Jew, her children would have been Jews. If one of those female children is your mother, you then by birth are a Jew in terms of your heritage.

  • kismet
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If your mother was Jewish then so are you.

    i do not know what you mean by being ethnically Jewish.

    According to Judaism, you either are Jewish or not.

    Since your mother, her mother, her mother, etc were Jewish, then so are you.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. She was not born Jewish, and unless she converted you are also not Jewish, and would likely need to convert as well if you wanted to be.

    If it's her biological family, then the question would be to prove it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You better hope not!

    I hope you wouldn't mind me answering your Que. with a bit humor and if you do, don't worry, this'll be deleted any way;

    If you've not lied and did not choose to be a hypocrite all your life,

    hence, NO you're not ''technically'' a jew.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jewishness is a matter of being an adherent of Judaism,a religion. It has nothing to do with ethnicity. You will find no study of ethnic groups that includes "Jews" as an ethnic group. Interestingly,half the so-called Jews don't even believe in God. Meaning they aren't actually Jewish at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not according to ancient law; that "mother" stuff was only put in the rules of lineage because when the Israelites first took Canaan, too many of them where taking Canaanite wives. Later on the ashkenazi pimped out their daughters to European nobility so much, pretty soon only maternal lineages were recognized. According to ancient law, your line has to be unbroken on both sides, your mother and father, to be considered "Jewish," plus, said family line has to be semitic 100%. So by that definition no.

    However, according to the generally accepted Orthodox ashkenazi authorities, yes you are Jewish, but you are considered "cherem" because your family has been out of synagogues for so long.

    Also there is no such thing as an "Arab Jew;" anyone from the middle east will tell you, most, if not all semitic tribes who have called the "Arabian" peninsula home, are fiercely proud of their heritage. Assyrians only married with other Assyrians, Amalekites with Amalekites, and so on. Plus, because of tribal lineage issues, the Jews who lived in middle eastern countries, wherever the population, the gene pool was large enough within them, remained largely unmixed.

    It was a combination of fierce heritage pride, and later on religion (Islam) which ensured the Jews of Iraq would remain largely unmixed. However this led to all sorts of nasty genetic problems often associated with inbreeding; the incidence of genetic problems is often highest among Iraqi Jews, than virtually all others, only Sephardic Jews have nearly as high incidences. If I had to go down the list of Jewish groups who suffer from the most genetic problems;

    1) Iraqi

    2) Sephardic

    3) Certain groups of Russian Jews, as Tay Sachs disease originated with them.

    All other groups though are so watered down they have no genetic issues at all.

    Do not believe everything you read regarding middle eastern Jews; like I said, the majority of semitic peoples are fiercely proud, and inbreeding is very common in the middle east. What about rape? Yeah, what about it? A given semitic woman, if raped by someone who was not semitic, would simply abandon the baby of the rapist and let it die of exposure. When the mongols raped Arab women, many of them did precisely that. Iraqi Jewish women, although this did not occur often, who were raped by Muslim Arabs if they got pregnant they did that very same thing; they simply went out into the desert and left the baby there to die.

    This may sound cruel, but let me paint a mental picture for you.

    You are an Iraqi Jew, and on a daily basis, from people who know you are a Jew you endure abuse, and being treated as a second class citizen. You have a lovely daughter, who gets raped by a sadistic Arab animal, and he groans as he ejaculates in her with deep satisfaction, both sexual, and the sadistic psychological one from having caused the Jewish community pain. Yes, he ejaculates inside of her, and is deeply, deeply satisfied. Then your daughter's belly swells, from him having groaned in deep satisfaction, the Arab animal who enjoys hurting Jews, having had pleasure from your daughter's body. And her belly gets bigger, and he smiles broadly knowing that he made a baby with her.

    Let me ask you something; being treated like that by Arabs would YOU allow that baby live and grant that rapist the satisfaction? If it was me, I would slaughter the infant in front of him, and tell him "this is what I think of you muslims raping our women." This may sound cruel, but if I endured such vicious persecution, no way in hell, would I allow the people who persecute me the satisfaction of pleasuring themselves with ANY of the women in my community, least of all the pleasure of knowing they injected their genetic material into them. Many Arabs are sick people like that; its part of the reason many Misrahi Jews are so warlike.

    Ashkenazi Jews are a bunch of p*ssies, crying about persecution and squalor when the truth is, many of them lived in the freaking Sheraton compared to the squalor middle eastern Jews lived in; you want to hear about REAL persecution and REAL humiliation? Read about what middle eastern Jews have to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you mean that you are descended biologically from a Jewish great grandmother, grandmother and mother, then you are Jewish according to Jewish law (halacha).

    If, on the other hand, the great grandmother was Jewish , but you are descended from her son and a non-Jewish wife, (or grandson and a non-Jewish wife), then no, you are not Jewish.

    It has to be a direct unbroken line of Jewish females to you. Whether any of them observed the religious commandments or not until this point does not affect the outcome.

    If you want to remove all doubt, you can take all available information or evidence to an Orthodox rabbi. He will be able to help you discover the facts in this matter.

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