Do Obama voters really think he will pay for their cars and houses?

This one obviously does.


Deafening silence!


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Two things disturb me about this woman. One her kid should have been in school.
2nd is her comment on waiting a long time for this.If that wasn't the biggest raciest remark I've ever heard.
Comment on gas and house payment, what a joke. To bad she left out food stamps and free health care

Robert J2008-11-02T17:49:49Z

Yes, these Obama voters think he is going to pay for their house, car, vacations, food, college, and basically anything they want. And this is all going to be paid for by the rich white people. It's not going to happen. Some even think they are going to be getting big paychecks from the government for reparations. That should set race relations back to about 1965.

Bee Bee2008-10-31T23:46:52Z

I am still laughing. They just don't get it do they. Boy are they ever going to be surprised. .he a taker not a giver. but it will serve them right. Now you know why I took all my life saving out of circulation.


Yup they do.I'm surprised Obama hasn't said "a chicken in every pot" yet too.Rainbows and unicorns for all.

Beverly S2008-10-31T23:38:35Z

I answered your other one- isn't it funny how they ignore the questions that they just can't answer?