Am I Selfish because I already think I pay enough in taxes?

As Obama and Biden keep sliding the scale of who they are going to tax, it looks like I'm going to get hit soon. I live in Los Angeles and even with my wife and I bring in a respectable salary, but with the cost of living here we are by no means well off. In fact after we pay all of our bills it feels like we barely get by sometimes. Now according to Obama I am selfish for not wanting to pay more taxes, but wait with the current tax code I already do pay more than someone who makes less than me. I regularly give to charity, but that is my choice. Biden took that away down to 150k a year yesterday. He and Obama have moved that number down from a million. Has anyone else noticed? Where does it stop? My guess, if you pay taxes, you'll pay more. If you don't you'll get your handout. Welocme to the Obama welfare state!!!


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No, you are not selfish! I can only be thankful there are people that think like you left.

the librarian2008-11-01T09:31:24Z

You didn't listen closely to what Biden said--CNN did a story on this and basically CNN showed that Biden was talking about something else (clarifying) they showed Obama talk about it, and then Biden- guaranteed tax cut
No Bias No bull-maybe you can catch it when they replay it.

My husband and I make a 100K+ but under the 250k and we are voting for Obama -yes I pay a lot of taxes but I also live inear the big city (DC) and I rather see some of my tax dollar dollars go for social programs or "welfare as you say "than to take some of these programs away and see an up spike in petty thefts, robberies, home invasions, vandalism! These welfare programs provide job and skill training, programs to keep teens off the streets, alcohol and drug rehab programs etc.

Look at all the money we wasted on this stupid war and yes
so many of this men and women are coming back damaged physically and mentally--so some of these homeless people on DC streets are veterans w/ mental health issues.
I see people rolling around w/ missing limbs all the time since I don't live far from Walter Reed Hospital.

We all give to charities and feed the homeless several times a year -SO WHAT!! You have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your stomache, I'm sure you travel and have two cars in the driveway-when all is said and done we don't pay not as nearly the taxes as other countries do!
We wouldn't need to pay more more taxes if we hadn't gotten involved in this stupid war.

If youre gonna be mad at someone be mad at the banks, the
stock brokers, George Bush and his adminstration because they helped us get our a$$eS in this mess.


Do me a favor and do your research. The 150k Biden was referring to is a guaranteed tax cut,now if you make 250k your taxes will most likely not budge.(this is not a tax cut) Do you understand the difference now? Lets not forget that the amounts that are being proposed are after deductions. It was never a million dollars by the way...he said a quarter million, which in case you didn't know is $250,000.

Hot Vamp2008-11-01T09:29:16Z

First, the United States is flat broke there is NO Money that doesn't come from us borrowing it. No matter who wins the election higher taxes will be coming. This may not be income tax but it will be something like higher federal taxes on gasoline at the pump, more money out of your check for social security, etc.

No you are not selfish. Personally I honestly think that Americans are OK with taxes but are upset that they don't see anything they are being used for that effects them. When you see newly paved roads and highways you feel OK about that, when money goes to pay interest on the largest debt ever known in the history of mankind and to top secret military contractors that you never see or hear about you are less inclined to pay taxes.
Countries (yes socialist) like Sweden, Switzerland, etc, have huge taxes but the government provides everything and their is not the same raging debate on it like here in the U.S.
Perhaps if we could choose where our tax dollars were spent we would be willing to pay in more.


In a sense you are being reasonable, not selfish. There are lots of things we need in this country that are paid for by taxes, like roads etc. There are also many things that we should not be paying for, like welfare for illegals etc. So think of the things your family uses, or doesn't use, then ask this question. Besides if you're barely getting by, go sign up for welfare, I'm sure you'll get it, oh wait nevermind, you're working as hard as you can and are here legally, you won't get s**t from the government. Don't you like having to help other families, not just your own???

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