Can we talk about Obama's & Biden's very small charitable contributions again?
Some of you responded before that it's OK for BO and JB to give very tiny amounts to charity because the liberal mindset is to charge higher taxes to cover charity, and let the government dole out money to charities.
Does anyone besides me believe it's ridiculous to ask the government to oversee charitable contributions, when the government botches most everything it gets its hands on? If we depend on our government to dole out our charitable contributions, THEY will pick our causes for us, and THEY will decide how much we will contribute. Why is that acceptable?
Do you agree that if we the people make our own contributions to charities of our choice, that the recipient charities will act more responsibly, to draw in contributions?
Considering BO's platform of redistribution, how can his itsy bitsy personal contribution take care of his moral obligation? And do we even have to get into his poverty-stricken family that he does nothing for?
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Yes we can talk about it.
I can't help but notice that the Obamabots have no responses other than to toss out insults. Facts are facts, the government has no business in determining to decide who I DONATE to through forced taxation. Nor, should they be in charge of that decision making on my behalf.
I donate to several charities a year, because I want to, not because it's forced on me through government laws and coercion. I'm also NOT a socialist and am a strong believer in a free market without governmental interference or help: without tax breaks, without favoritism, without bailouts. Let the free market do what it's supposed to do and we can all do well. Get the government out of our lives.
It's government interference that has created this catastrophe and it's more government rules, regulations, and growth, that will make it fester even more than it is now.
Obama proposes Marxism - Marxism equals more government, larger government, more dependency, more control. Where does it end?
Now, down to individual charitable contributions: I suggest that they lead by example. Their example and not the government's.
The government just doled out $700 billion in charitable contributions to undeserving financial institutions when it should have rescued homeowners who were losing their homes. And this was all done by conservatives helping their own, of course.
People want jobs and to be safe from terrorist attacks they don't care who gets audited by the IRS. Few people have any sympathy for those who get political welfare and tax breaks while most of us are taxed to death in this country. Next year, we should all file a 501 C-4 form and claim we are a political organization which prevents the IRS from auditing us. It would be a perfect way to laundry money.