OK, who is the person calling our Vital Statistics manager in the middle of the night?
Did you know that people have been calling the Vital Statistics branch at our State Department of Health in Hawaii ALL DAY EVERY DAY trying to get a copy of Obama's certificate? Someone has also been calling the Branch Manager in the middle of the night.
This ridiculous nonsense needs to stop. The DOH Director has viewed the document, verified that it is accurate, and thinks the whole thing is stupid (she is Republican, BTW). The Hawaii Supreme Court has thrown out the ridiculous suit filed by a mentally ill lawyer (and others). Please drop this ridiculous issue--it is a non-issue and it's OVER.
BTW, Obama lived in Hawaii for a total of 14 years. He is an AMERICAN. Are you people the same ones who ask how much to mail to Hawaii or if you need a passport to visit because you don't know that Hawaii became a state in 1959?
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Well, it is not me, that I can promise you. I am sorry to hear that the manager is being harrassed in the middle of the night and that you all are burdened with incessant and ridiculous calls during the day.
First, let me say that a person or persons calling the Branch Manager in the middle of the night is not very courteous. It is my understanding that the record of his birth has been sealed, and I for one, find that very suspicious. When a person is running for the highest office in America, then that person should bend over backwards to produce evidence that would clear this whole matter up once and for all. If I were a candidate for office, and knew a lot of people were questioning where I was born, then I would produce a certified copy of my birth certificate and, show it in every ad my campaign ran. The voters in America have a right to know the truth so they can then make an informed decision. The way it stands now, there are too many unanswered questions about this man, and this birth certificate, if a legible copy of it was released to the public, would go a long way in answering this question.
This could be an inside job in Obama's camp. Sometimes we can have a double agent working both sides. This could be some elected official, or someone in a veterans group who happens to be a Christian. Also, we who profess to be Christians have stooped to an all time new low how we do things in this election. Another thing to point out, some one in MA knew Obama's aunt was there illegally and did nothing about. What about John McCain wasn't he born in Panama? But getting back to the question, you are correct on all points. I keep saying this it is not about two men running for president, it is two races running for president. Although I am in my 60's I admire the way these young people think today. They are more astute then those of us from the 60 era.
The only one that knows anything about you is the ones closes to you. Disparate people do disparate things. This is one of these moments. It's the grabbing of the straws.
It's the Canadians doing it. They've been making stupid calls all week, I hear.
Really, report the calls to the police. You have police in Hawaii, right?
Regardless, birth certificates are altered everyday; I wouldn't put it above a person to alter or have a birth certificate altered to secure a position of power. It's not exactly a stretch to think something like that could happen.
All that could have been avoided if he would have released copies of both his Hawaii birth certificates and responded to statements made by many of Obama's relatives that he was born in a foreign country. That would have put an end to this topic. So why didn't that happen?