Anyone know about Deval Patrick?

He had hired his wife as a social secretary. I am curious if Barack might appoint his wife as Secretary of State or some other position or she will simply be the first lady.


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You mean the guy Obama "borrowed" his speeches from, as well as his entire campaign sloganeering? He's a flop.

To the first poster; Hillary will not be accepting any posts offered by Obama--if he even gets a chance to offer. She's already made it clear that she intends to stay in the Senate. She won't accept a role of submission to this neophyte fraud. She has ten thousand times his brains and knowledge, so why should she take directives from her inferior?


First African American Governor De val Larding Patrick of Massachusetts and first under attorney general of the United States of Bill Clinton.

The Doc2008-11-01T22:21:09Z

I do not think that Obama will appoint his wife to a major cabinet position, though I'm sure she will have some influence, she does get access, and she's an intelligent, well-educated woman with some good ideas. Secretary of State will likely go to Clinton or perhaps Powell (if he can be convinced to get back into politics)


No way. He is too smart and honest to do that. He has his choice of outstanding people including Gen. Colin Powell and Bill Clinton. He will have Repubs in his cabinet, too.


No the position is more likely to go to Hillary Clinton

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