Obama votes with Bush 89.8% of the time?

According to GovTrack, Obama has voted Aye 559 total times. Of these, 44 were for bills that passed, 5 were for bills that were vetoed by Bush, and the rest didn't make it to Bush's desk because they were items not subject to Presidential veto or they were Bills that didn't make it past Congress. That means, among the bills Obama has voted Aye for - Obama has voted with Bush 89.8% of the time.


The question is simple. Is this statement true and how does it affect what Obama is saying about McCain and how "not everything Bush does is wrong?"


Bobby says "First of all Bush did not vote" - well then - is Obama misleading his followers by implying that "Bush votes" - or perhaps Obama doesn't know that the President isn't a legislator.


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I personally am surprised that this information has not been emphasized in the news. When asked prior to the Republican National Convention about McCain's 90% voting record with Bush, Rudy Giuliani said so did everyone else. Another thing we have to consider is that a bill contains numerous information on it. For instance, there may be something about funding the war in Iraq, but there may be something about increasing taxes, abortion, or stem cell research all written on that same bill. Someone like McCain or Obama will have to decide what on there he does NOT want to get passed and whether it is as important as passing something else on that bill. There is always one thing on every bill that will stand out to everyone. This is why the majority of the time, bills are denied. But yes, I do not think it is a legitimate argument for Obama to attack McCain on his 90% voting record. He himself did too. It is more important to see what issues McCain was targeting.


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Vote McCain


Your logic is full of holes. First of all Bush did not vote. The ones that did not make it past Congress could have all been things Bush was against, also.


Yes its true and so all of these people who say "we need to get away from Bush, blah blah blah" do not realize that Obama has voted with him all those times.


What's your question?
Bush happens to be a fantastic president.
He tried to get gas down to a dollar a gallon but Congress denied the bill.

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