What do I need to marinade a fajita steak?

I've been to a few Mexican restaurants and had the fajitas before. How can I marinade steaks like they do? What are in ingredients of the marinade? I've tried googling it and looking on the food network site but haven't found a clear answer. Thank you for your time.


Favorite Answer

Well the proper term is carne asada

heres a good recipe that i use


If you are trying to tenderize a low cut of meat, like a round or flank steak. Put the meat in a cassarole dish, pour about 1/2 bottle of Italian salad dressing on it,poke it with a fork alot, then flip it and poke again. Now pour 1 can or bottle of beer, no matter what kind. Flip again, refrigerate about 1 hour, flipping maybe 2 or 3 times. Drain, don't rinse. Put the meat in the freezer( on a cookie sheet) let freeze about half way,( this will aid you in slicing into uniform pieces). Saute meat in a large frypan. On medium heat not hot, When your meat is about half done add your fajita seasoning. Keep stirring to get uniform cooking of the meat.
This works with Chuck Wagon Steaks, and Pepper Steak.
Hope it helps


3 C orange juice
1/3 C lime juice
¼ C dried oregano
3 T dried chili powder
Marinate overnight, grill over medium coals, slice across the grain.