I have a 7' Crepe Myrtle which has now not flowered for the 2nd straight summer, (central VA). Does anyone know if this species requires a "companion" for flowering to occur? Other trees in the neighborhood have loads of blossoms all through the summer but mine does not. It looks very healthy and happy otherwise but just will not flower. Any ideas?
Favorite Answer
Crepes only bloom on new growth. They don't need "companion" plants. Cuttings root in water.
Crape myrtles don't need a companion plant in order to flower. Have you given it any fertilizer lately? Do you water it during dry spells? It may have enough energy to appear to be healthy, but not enough for flowering. Ask your neighbors whose crape myrtles have blossomed how they take care of them.
is it near or in the lawn where you drop a load of nitrogen-rich fertilizer every so often?..... if so, it's overloaded with what to make leaves with and short on what to make flowers with.... keep the lawn stuff away from it... outside the drip line for sure..... use a bloom booster just for it in early spring and then no more.....