With Barack Obama's imminent victory close on the horizon, will Rush Limbaugh leave the country?


Favorite Answer

No, but he'll probably do more drugs.

King's Kid <><2008-11-03T23:41:46Z

Now what makes you think the Rushman would leave the country? If the Liberals win the White House that will make a Liberal presidency, a Liberal House of Reps, and a Liberal Senate. May God have mercy on this country.
We will need warriors like Rush and Hannity and O'Reilly and Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin and on and on and on. We need these warriors to now go on guard duty to keep an eye on everything the new guys are doing.
You know what? Three cheers for Fox News. Hip hip!!!!!!! We should be thankful for them for all they've done. They have given us TRUTH. I watched MSNBC for several week and made sure to watch Keith Olberman. Wow!! That man is so far to the left I'm surprised that he hasn't fallen over. He's angry all the time and I hope he takes blood pressure pills.
But the worst part was the misrepresentations that he kept doling out about Palin and Sen. McCain. Wow.


Rush Limbaugh will continue being the actor he is. He's like Hannity. I've met them both and neither are like this in person. They're just trying to entertain by preying on conservatives worse fears.


Hardly... People asked much the same question during the Clinton campaign, and you can see where that went... Rush will have job security for at least 4 years... not that it was a problem. He has become such a monolith in the industry that dynamite wouldn't be able to get rid of him.


No, in fact his rise in popularity was during the Clinton adminstration. If Obama wins, he will be on Obama's back for the next four years pointing out all the mistakes Obama makes.

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