If Obama doesn't win, do you feel a little bit sorry for him?

He is totally wrong for the job right now, but he tried really hard! He changed his views on nearly everything to get those votes. Sometimes his views changed back, depending when he was in the east or west, north or south. Plus, his ego will be destroyed! Poor guy!


You do know that Polls are not actual votes? And that Electorates decide?


I feel a tiny morsel of sorrow for him, about his grandma, and losing tomorrow, but I will be celebrating McCain's victory this time tomorrow.

Proud Mommy2008-11-03T22:52:39Z

Favorite Answer

I will be happy if he loses, However I will feel sorry for our country if he wins.

Walter S2008-11-04T20:48:05Z

I feel pretty bad for John Mccain especially because he lost by a landslide. Poor guy...at least he tried really hard!!

Doc Watson2008-11-03T22:55:49Z

Actually if was John McCain who flip-flopped on just about every issue to try to get the far right conservative vote. His flip-flops (the famous joke about McCain is 'He was for it before he was against it.') have probably cost him the election.

The old John McCain who everyone respected, both Democrats and Republicans, gave way to the nasty, mudslinging, dirty tricks politics of the Karl Rove / George Bush mindset and turned away many moderates and independent voters.

After he came out with the lie ad accusing Obama of supporting sex education for five year olds and everyone, including many Republicans, claimed publicly that he had gone too far with the lies I knew Obama was going to win. You can't win without the independents and most of them were pushed away from McCain and Palin early on.

It's really a shame if you think about it. The once proud, honest man who rightfully called the far right 'agents of intolerance' will now be remembered as one of the nastiest dirty tricks people in history.


I think McCain changed his views a bit more dramatically. To make my point, just ask yourself, is McCain for or against regulation of wall street?

The polls are not actual votes of course, but they are whom the people polled are going to vote for. do some research on the electoral college, you don't seem to know how it works. the electorates don't choose independently whom they vote for, all of the electorates of a state are given to the winner of the state.


Oh h#ll no.
I do not feel bad for the death of his grandmother,that should be a time to be celebrated. If she was a Christian, then she went home to be with our Father. There was not a lot of media talk about her.
She also won't see her grandson disgrace the family by loosing..

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