How many times has your McCain sign been stolen?

I have had three signs stolen in the past two weeks. My yard is huge, I put the sign right by the house, and it creeps me out that someone is trespassing on my property to steal my things. And they do it in broad daylight too! None of the Obama signs on my street have gone missing.


Favorite Answer

My Obama sign was stolen once.


I dont put out a sign for that very reason. Also I dont put any bumper stickers on my car either. A friend of mine had a McCain bumper sticker on his truck and parked it, he later returned to find the sticker gone and 'Obama' carved into the side of his truck. Seems unless you are an Obama supporter, then you dont have freedom of speech. Anything else is racist or non-progressive.

Good luck.

Just Me Alone2008-11-04T11:51:43Z

We didn't put any signs for either candidate so none were stolen. I have seen signs for both come and go on other people's lawns. I think that's pretty rude. I'll be glad when the vote is counted and we can move on.


None. Where I live, that sort of thing will get you shot. I do remember during the primaries that Obama thugs were beating up Hillary voters just for having bumper stickers. That doesn't happen to McCain people because we have GUNS!


Could be some kids considering many young people prefer Obama, but if it was adults than this country is full of childish dopes. I didn't put any signs out, but I removed signs that were placed in my yard. For both candidates.

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