Can I apply Keep With Next in MS Word so that it only applies if the next paragraph is the same style?
I'm writing a document with equations, and numbering useful ones. In order to do that, I'm inserting a SEQ field. I end up with 2 lines of equation objects, like this:
As shown below, x depends on y, a, and b.
|x = y+z |
|z = a*b |
|x = y+a*b |..........................(1)
This can be used.......
I'm currently using the same style, Equation, for both "paragraphs". What I would like is for the first paragraph to keep with next, only when the next paragraph is also in the Equation style, to keep the whole set of equations together. I do not need the numbered line to keep with the next line.
One workaround is to create 2 seperate styles, because most of the time, non-numbered equations are followed by a numbered equation. That may not *always* be the case, though, and I'd have to create a third style to handle that.
A second workaround is to add a line to my numbering macro that applies Keep With Next to the previous line. But since I don't always use non-numbered equations before numbered ones, I'd have to test to see if the previous line was, indeed, an equation. Which would mean I'd have to be more linear with my equation writing than I'd prefer.
So, the ideal is to have a Keep With Next (Only if Next is Same Style) option, but I'm not sure if that's possible. Any ideas?