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i give it 1-2 more months, Notice How Kofi Didn't attempt so Save CM Punk When he Got Attacked By Ted DiBiase I don't get why kofi wouldn't make the save seeing as there the Tag Team Champions together, i think that might be brought into storylines, Maybe CM Punk will go heel on kofi or maybe it'll happen the other way, around and kofi will go heel,
notice kofi never seems to keep belts long he had the intercontinental championship for 49 days, cm punk never seems to hold titles long either he held the World Heavyweight Championship for 69 days,
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until cm punk turns heel on him and goes on to join randy orton to challenge batista and cena
I hope a long time. They are really good together.
for about 5 months, then they will lose it.
until randy teams up wid sum1 and takes it of him