Obama ran on Change, you voted for change?

Then how is surrounding himself with Washington insiders and former Clinton staff members "change"?

Sounds like more of the same to me.

You say?

Mark K2008-11-15T12:27:34Z

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mark k


Any change that takes place, will be change the Congress passes. The President has no power to change anything. Nothing will change in the next 4 years, just as nothing changed when every President in last last 50 years promised it. Very little would be different today, had Kerry won in 2004. He's a figurehead, not a King.


I'm not ready to decide who I'm going to vote for yet ... the election isn't until next year, and right now it seems that EVERYONE is running ... and I don't have TIME to waste on something 'silly' like trying to decide NOW who will be the 'best new President' possible ... I'll wait until NEXT FEBRUARY before I start paying 'real attention' ... and I won't vote for ANYONE, black, female, male, white, until I KNOW what this country 'could face' in the next 4-8 years, and WHO is ACTUALLY RUNNING ... and I may 'vote Libertarian' again, because most years it seems 'best' to 'throw my vote away' than to vote for either of the 'BIG CONTENDERS' ...


The change was bound to come. President Bush served two terms. Only two terms are possible.The change will be a smooth process as President G.W. Bush has already invited the President Elect to come to the White House. The change is from one President completing his term in office, and the President elect coming in to take the office for the next 4 years. That was the change that you will see after the President Elect is sworn in in January 2009 The President will be changed from President G.W. Bush to President Barack O'Bama Everyone voted for this change, no matter who they voted for . I say ! Just what were your expectations, what kind of change were you expecting , Say you ?


Every time he talks something changes. Just the other day he said he was going to bankrupt the coal companies. What's he saying about the coal companies today? Everything he's said will change, the war, taxes, etc. But we made history by voting in the first colored president!

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