How do I bow out gracefully?

As I have posted before, regarding my disgraceful actions at a recent halloween party and earning the disgust and disapointment from my friends and crush ( I was drunk and made alot of insults towards my crush and her guy friend, in front of her mother too!). We had planned for months to go to a concert together next week, me, my crush, her mother, brother and sister and friends. But the smoke hasnt cleared cleared and I've been given the silent treatment. I had made up my mind and decided that by not going to join them for the concert was the best I can do and move on...

Now I have apologized to them many times as I've stated in my last post. But I am so overwhelmed with disgust for my self and having me go along with them to this concert would make the whole mood become awkward. I know they havnt gotten over what happened, and they dont want to talk about it. I felt like I lost some of my best friends and lost out on a chance at having a wonderful girlfriend over my jealousy and distasteful actions at that party that night.

So how do I bow out gracefully and tell them how much i care for them, and how if possible do i ever regain their trust in me.


I need serious answers only....


Favorite Answer

Explain it to them as you have explained it here: That you are ashamed of what you did and that you feel it would be in extremely poor taste to accompany them to the concert. I hope you haven't used your being drunk as an excuse for what you did -- since inhibitions are released when a person gets drunk, and that person will tend to do/say what they have always wanted to do/say....

For yourself, stay away from the booze. Now that you know that you are a mean drunk, you need to stay away from the booze if you want to prevent the same thing happening again.


Boy, you must have done some shameful things at this party. All you can do is apologize and tell them that you are ashamed of yourself and will check your drinking. Whatever you said to them must of really hurt and embarrassed them, so, after you apologize, let them be and you move on. You have learned a valuable lesson about drinking to excessive. I hope you will curtail your ways and know your limit. Your crush may forgive you, but, since she is so hurt, it will take a long time. It is time that you forgive yourself and vow to be a better person. Good luck


Keep kissing butt