Is it wise for Obama to meet with Medvedev?

Can Obama refrain from his noted school boy bully remarks and his self aggrandizing off the cuff comments that seem to just fall from his mouth. The last one was at the expense of Nancy Regan. Can he refrain from comments about Putins hunting trips, Russian tara cards, or a slip up about the Russian Navy and the condition of their sub building program?
Pre Nov. 4th these types of comments were overlooked as "just campaigning" but it makes me wonder if Obama should wait a few months to clear up those slips of the tongue before he meets with a foreign leader.


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Doesnt matter, they will sit and chat and blah blah blah and Russia will do what they want behind obamas back because they know they will be able to take advantage of him.

Darth Eowyn Loves Plinkett2008-11-09T09:28:23Z

Who do you think is running Russia these days? Of course it's still Putin...ex-KGB for 20 years.

I am very interested to see how O handles the Russians. If all he can come up with are little "jokes" about hunting trips, then I am seriously worried. If he ends up strong-arming the Russians, then I will sincerely respect Obama.


It not only wisely, but even necessarily in obedience to international political etiquette. We will hope that president Medvedev is tolerant enough not to vomit in public during a meeting with your chosen one.


Was it wise for Nixon to meet with Mao or Reagan with Gorbachev?


His comments are fine. It's just the rabid haters that see them as "gaffs". These off the cuff answers are not malicious

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