Best Concealed Weapon?

I have a Glock 40 which I love, but is too big to carry.

What are some good small concealable guns with their pros and cons?


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pros - always are small size and lightweight - as far as carry
cons - small size and lightweight - bad for shooting -recoil goes up
capacity - the more the better but that usually goes with bigger guns and more weight
I wouldn't consider a lightweight 5 shot .357 revolver, my steel .38 special is no problem for me but wife and daughter don't enjoy
my choices:
Ruger LCP (or Kel-Tec) .380 - they just disappear
Kel-Tec 9mm (used to carry)
Taurus PT111 Millenium Pro 9mm (a little bigger than Kel-Tec with greater capacity and much easier to shoot)
Taurus CH85 .38sp - sort of a knock-around (carry in pouch)
H&K USPc .45 acp
others that are small
(edit: I really like the CZ 2075 RAMI - would have bought one instead of Taurus Pro except couldn't find one when I had the cash)

Chris G2008-11-09T20:21:20Z

Never mind the moronic anti-gun idiots such as Brian Jonas and Survivethebc.

Regarding your question, the Glock 33 (aka "The Pocket Rocket") is an excellent weapon. It is chambered for 357 sig, and is small enough to carry in your pocket.
The 357 sig was made to duplicate the performance of the 357 Magnum, which is an excellent manstopper. Use 125 grain JHP.

-----To Brian Jonas & Survivethebc, I can tell you are completely anti-second amendment. You ask to name an instance where you might need a gun. I'll give you two.

First, What would you do if an intruder broke into your home? Call the Police? LOL. The intruder would have found your hiding spot, tied you and your kids up, raped your wife while you helplessly watched, kill your wife and kids, then put a bullet in your head and escape before the police even got there.

Second instance, You are driving down the street late at night, and come to a stop light. The car in front of you stops, while two guys collaborating with the car in front of you come out of nowhere. As part of a gang initiation, one thug uses a hammer to smash your window, while the other pulls you out of the car. They tie you up, rob you of everything, then shoot you, throw your body in the trunk of the other car, drive to a river or lake, and dump your body.

All of this could be prevented just by showing them your gun. If they aren't scared off by the site of your gun, then shoot em.

------Taking away my guns for fear I might committ a crime is the same as cutting out my tounge for fear I might yell fire in a crowded theatre.


I think a a small frame double action revolver is perfect for concealed carry. They are easy to use, very safe, reliable, and affordable. Some models that come to mind are the Ruger SP-101 with a 2 1/2 inch barrel in .357 magnum and .38 special+p, the smith and wesson j frame revolvers in .22 long rifle, .22 magnum, .38 special, and .357 magnum, all of the taurus small frame revolvers, and the charter arms line of revolvers that start at .22 long rifle and go to .44 special. While these types of guns require a lot of practice to be proficient in marksmanship, they will definitely be worth every penny for a concealed carry package.


If you don't like to carry the larger firearms, there's going to have to a trade off. There are a lot of more compact firearms out there, but you're going to have to sacrifice accuracy and shot capacity.

I made the decision to carry the firearms that I liked best. I am a left handed shooter and decided to go with a Smith & Wesson M&P because of the ambidextrous slide stop and switchable mag release button. I have both full size and compact in 9mm, 40 S&W and now .45 ACP. I like the compacts a lot, but nothing beats the full size versions. I find myself carrying the full size versions more. That means that I had to adapt to carrying them. I don't like inside the waistband, so I had to get a bunch of different cover garments for my outside the waistband holsters. Winter is easy. It's the spring and summer months that pose a problem. I use a lot of 5.11 tactical shirts to get by.

Good luck!


I have a Glock 36 compact model in .45 ACP that is very easily concealed. If you prefer a revolver I also use a Ruger SP101 in 357 mag. that works great. Both are very good guns, easily concealed, and very dependable.

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