The US Goverment is borrowing money at a record pace.?

What will happen, when Japan. China, Mexico and the Arab Countries stop lending to our Government ?
Super Inflation and or a new currency ?


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What makes you think that the United States is borrowing money
And to borrow $11,000,000,000,000.00 is kind of pushing it a little
Even China alone does not have that much free to loan out money laying around
So how is America doing it
By just telling the people that it is borrowing the money when in reality it is just printing up more of the stuff to cover all those Gigantic checks


It's not a matter of 'stop' lending.
It's generally a matter of how much interest one needs to pay in order to get someone to lend you money.

Which can be inflationary.

But think of it another way. You've got a billion dollars. What are you going to do with it? Investing in a crashing stock market doesn't make sense. Where do you put your $1B? Currencies or gold.



Ron Paul has a bill to allow gold and silver as competing currency which would keep the govt honest or no one would use their money. This would allow you to save without fear your money will depreciate with hyperinflation, and without being taxed on the 'gain' that will otherwise be recognized from holding and cashing in precious metals, when the dollar falls.

I am in favor of the bill.


If they stop lending, we stop buying their products, and they have no jobs. Everyone is in this together. The big problem is that OUR banks don't wan't to lend money to OUR businesses, and things are slowing down, people are getting laid off, and this Christmas will be a retail DISASTER!


Glad someone noticed. I'm waiting for Opec to use the Euro as their currentcy. That's when you know what will hit the fan.

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