My wall outlet is not working after plugging in a lamp?

I bought two of the same lamps and one works fine. The other I plugged in tonight and the outlet went out. I tried to plug something else in the outlet but it doesn't work. I then tried to turn on from the circuit breaker but it still doesn't work. I then tried the lamp in my bathroom and all the lights went out. Now that I know for sure it was the lamp how do I fix the problem? I live in an apartment.


Thanks everyone I called maintenance and they were able to get the power back on. Now as for the lamp do I return it or could I buy a surge protector?


Favorite Answer

If you live in an apartment, the maintenance people should be called. You might have a legal issue on your hands if you try and fix it yourself. Some electrical circuits are wired to a secondary fuse system, sometimes called a safety outlet. These are required in bathrooms and kitchens in many cities/states. If you trip the fuse on the safety outlet, it wouldn't necessarily trace back to the fuse box. Check the safety outlets in your house before calling your apartment managements, its possible one of these is the culprit. They will have two buttons, usually "Test" and "Reset".


If the outlet doesnt work and the circuit breaker is on it may be a gfi outlet, does the outlet have a reset button in the middle of it?


There is obviously a serious fault in one of the lamps and it should be returned to the seller.