Could I be pregnant? I'm not so sure?

Okay, so I'm 21 years old and already have one kid, so it may sound dumb that I'm asking this question, but I'd really appreciate you gals' help. I'm just not so sure about the ovulating thing.
So, I had my period at the end of last month, started about the 26th, and ended about the 30th-31st. So I'm not sure when I ovulate.
Anyways, my fiancee and I had unprotected sex, because he usually can't... ya know... but for SOME reason, he decided to this one time, when we didn't have a condom.
I know it's easier to get pregnant at certain times of the month. So what are my chances of being pregnant.
I'd love to have another baby by him, but nows just not the time. We have a 2 year old, and money's tight right now.


I guess you need to know when this happened huh? It was Sunday, which would have been the 8th of November


Favorite Answer

Usually you would start on the day you started your period and count back 14-16 days to give you an idea of when you ovulated. BUT keep in mind that you dont always ovulate the same time each month, this is just a guideline

Lost in Space2008-11-13T05:13:18Z

If you have a regular 28 day cycle, you couldn't have picked a worse time to have unprotected sex, as you probably ovulated on the 9th of November. Since sperm can live for up to 72 hours in your vagina, it's very possible you are pregnant. You should be having your AF on the 23rd, if it doesn't come, I would take a test. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, just thought I would be honest. Good Luck


I'm not really sure. it could be possiblee...

the best thinq i can sayy is qo 2 duh doctors.. or buy a pregnancy test..

Well goodluck hope thinqs work out


iidk maybe yOu could get preganant.... ii mean you had 1 alreadii
maybe you can have another 1....... wellSz ii hOpe youhh have fun checking that out