My girlfriend's doctor told me to get a tetanus shot?

My girlfriend is 34 weeks pregnant, and the last few nights, she's been up every hour or two, saying her ears and throat hurt, and using vicks vapo rub. Thinking it was allergies, the last two days, I had given her zyrtec, but it didn't help her. This morning, she violently vomited yellow mucus all over the bathroom, so I called her doctor and made an appointment. The doctor just prescribed zyrtec for her, and a nasal spray.


The doctor told me that I need to get a flu shot and a tetanus shot, so that I won't be a source of sickness for my new family before the baby is healthy enough to get her own shots.

Why do I need to get a tetanus shot?


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I looked it up and I can't figure out why you would need it other than you might be due for it. It shouldn't effect the baby though.


That sounds ridiculous to me. I have no idea what the benefit of a tetanus shot would be to your girlfriend or your new baby--Tetanus is a bacterial infection that enters your body through open wounds, even if you contracted tetanus (in which case you would probably go see a doc and get a shot...) you couldnt spread it to your gf or baby. As far as the flu shot goes--I personally wouldnt do that either, but I also have some objection to unnecessary vaccinations, not everyone feels the same way. I encourage you to read up on vaccinations and their risks/benefits though before you vax your little one.

TX Mom2008-11-13T22:01:22Z

You need to get a tetanus shot so that you don't contract lock-jaw if you step on a rusty nail.

Get a flu shot, too. It would make you miserable as hell if you didn't get the shot and had the flu. Your baby could easily die of the flu.

TX Mom

Todd Jansens Monkey2008-11-13T21:54:23Z

Just a safety measure. It's preventative maintenance.

Go get a tetanus shot.


a tetanus shot is good for your health. i have to get one every 5 years

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