Do you believe the US should reinstate the draft.?

I am always amazed how many ppl have a problem with us surrendering in Iraq, but on the other hand are unwilling to serve in the military.

We need to get more troops from somewhere if we are continue to fight terrriorism.

Former Republican2008-11-13T19:38:12Z

Favorite Answer

I think a draft would be a great idea. I believe that the reason the public initially accepted the war in Iraq was that most people had no personal stake in the issue. To the American public, it was a "shock and awe" fireworks display. I think that the public would evaluate war in a much more serious manner if they believed that it would personally affect them, their families and friends. We wouldn't have to actually exercise the draft and draw people into the military. All they would really have to do is insure that everyone shared the risk and pain of the decision.


No. If the government can't generate enough public support for the war--that is their problem They have no right to force citizens to fight in a war they disagree with.
As for Iraq--we are leaving. First, we aren't fighting terrorism there. The terrorists--al-Qaida--are based in Afghanistan/Pakistan a thousand miles away. Iraq had nothing to do with them or 9/11.

Second--there is no "surrender" involved. The Iraqi people and government have told us to leave. The extremists on the right want to stay anyway, ignoring the will and rights of th eIraqis. which shows jsut how false their lies about "liberating Iraq" were from the start.


women choose and fought for equivalent rights, they vote share in al the liberties and freedoms of this usa, consequently, i'm in desire of the girls being drafted. i think of they must be required to sign up now. i think of it quite is a private affront to all the girls that replaced into and nonetheless is interior the leading edge of the girls circulation. they would not bypass to wrestle contraptions in the two provider,yet they must be drafted in to the militia if there's a draft for anybody. i think of they must re-start up the draft for youngsters the place as they the two bypass into the militia or bypass to varsity, if supplies a call. Now the youngsters don't have determination, so as that they chosen to do no longer something different than hand around on the corner and get into worry. i'm hoping this has been of a few use to you, stable good fortune. "combat ON"

L R2008-11-13T19:26:09Z

NO! Not unless they draft older people instead of young teenagers. They get 18 yr olds to sign up & send them to Iraq before they're 19, that's B.S.! Anyone up to the age of 25 is still a baby in my eyes!

Viola H2008-11-13T19:23:21Z

NO!! Ok heres the got two guys over there. One inlisted, the other was drafted... who do you think is gonna stand and fight and whos gonna run and hide??

I want our troops out of Iraq btw

my friend died in Iraq. He lived for the Marines. I can understand that. I cannot understand making someone go over there to die. thats wrong.

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