Do you believe our freedom of speech is in jeopardy?
Our Founding Fathers knew that once our freedom of speech fell, all our other rights would fall like dominoes. They wrote: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."
Peter Kirsanow, National Review Online, believes our attention given to the Fairness Doctrine proposed by some in congress is urgent: "Imposition of some form of the Fairness Doctrine likely will be one of the Democrats' agenda items for the first 100 days of the new administration."
Newsmax: "You can burn the flag, put four-letter-word bumper stickers on your car, commit lewd acts on-stage, play profane rap music loudly on your car radio, produce, rent and distribute the most disgusting filth in broad daylight and on the Internet in plain view of minors and even use taxpayer dollars to depict Jesus suspended in bodily waste."
"But when it comes to shutting down conservative thoughts and opinions, now that they have grabbed the reins of power, liberals are making control over the content of speech a top priority!"
If you are liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican, you should be concerned about preserving our right to freedom of speech, because that is the first, most basic right awarded us by our Founding Fathers to preserve all our other freedom.
Beverly S2008-11-15T17:48:53Z
Favorite Answer
Yes the fairness doctrine scares me! As a matter of fact I am sending letters and emails to our politicians to ask them to vote against it. Those who only listen to the main stream media only hear the liberal side to every issue- they have even admitted (finally) that they were in the tank for Obama. Chris Matthews even said he considers it his job to make Obama's presidency a success.
Who will enforce such a law? BTW, would FOXNews be introuble if the liberal news networks (MSNBC, CNN, ABC, etc) had a conservative view point brought to the table? After all, FOXNews is always at the top of the ratings simply because no other network offers a conservative viewpoint to balance out the liberals, so a lot of the conservatives watch FOX. I don't support a "fairness" doctrine. What I would support would be a "truth" doctrine. By that I mean, all the networks have to report the truth (period). Perhaps all news networks should have an hour long Ombudsman show to correct all the errors their reporters have given in the last 24 hrs to be shown around 7 o'clock when people are still up watching the news.
I think the cause of the problem is no one is for sure if Obama who has the power to change the leadership at the F.C.C. will actually want the Fairness Doctrine to be imposed. I suspect he might, which is one of a long list of things that bother me about him. The problem is no one is really sure yet.
I also believe it would be politically stupid for him to impose because whether or not someone is liberal, conservative, both, or moderate- no one believes in the government's power to limit free speech. I could be wrong, but would not liberal radio station programs have to balance their programming with conservative voices. I know from listening to Air-America although I am staunch conservative that they do not want this to happen nor vice versa because people cling to three things to define their American ideals: 1-Their Bible 2-Their Guns 3-Their voices. If we as citizens do not take charge of our country, accept responsibility that we are the only ones who can prevent our government from becoming tyrannical, then all hope is lost.
Political correctness, spawned by liberalism, has nearly destroyed freedom of speech. Just yesterday a BBC anchor was fired for telling a dispatcher to not send a "turbanned person" to pick up her 14 year old daughter, because the daughter was afraid of the turban. The dispatcher took it as racism and released the tape to the media - the outrage from misinformed public led to her firing. Howard Stern lost his job with an innocent comment. The next 4 years will be even worse - with the Left spinning any opposing viewpoints to be racist.
I am neither liberal nor conservative, nor am I a Democrat or a Republican. I am an individual who votes for the person of my choice according to the convictions of my heart. This is based on the information ascertained about each candidate from as many sources as possible. Since we can not rely on the Media, as it is predominately owned operated and controlled by the wealthy world power brokers, we must rely somewhat on our "Gut Instincts".
I still believe that America is One Nation, Under God, and that there are enough true believers, praying for the democratic processes of our land and liberty, to keep corruption from over-running our Government totally. True, there are many flaws and faults within our system, but I still believe we live in the Greatest Nation on this planet.
I do not fear that we will loose our "Freedom of Speech", any sooner than we loose all our rights as a Free and Sovereign nation, and that could only happen AFTER the FIGHT!