Question on Ovulation?

How do you know when you ovulate? I sould know this, being 21 and having a kid, but I don't. If I had my period last month and stopped about the 27th, or around then, would I have been ovulating on the 8th? Do you ovulate right after your period, or in the middle between your periods?
And can you tell if you are?


So how ong do you ovulate for? Just one or two days?


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you have to know how many days are in your cycle. if you have irregular periods im not sure how you'd go about doing that. If you are on a 28 day cycle then you ovulate "USUALLY" around the 14th day of your cycle (14 days after the first day of your last period) but i was on a 30 day cycle for almost a year and when i got pregnant the dr told me i was on a 25-28 day cycle. you could ovulate early or late some months!

btw-i love the name brayden =] thats what im naming my son but im spelling it braiden! it seems to be a really popular name!

Stefanie N2008-11-15T17:59:05Z

If you chart, you'll be able to pinpoint exactly when you ovulate. There is a common misconception that ovulation occurs 14 days into your cycle (with the first day being the first day of your period), but that is simply not true. I personally ovulate between day 18 and 21 and have a 29-31 day cycle (so only have 10-11 days between ovulation and the start of my next period).

Charting is a super easy way to find out when you ovulate. Even though it doesn't tell you until after ovulation has occurred, it will help you see a pattern after a couple of cycles and will let you know around the time that you are the most fertile.

All you do is take your temperature every morning at the same time before getting out of bed. Your temperature will rise the day after you ovulate, so you'll be able to see EXACTLY when it happened. You can also track your cervical mucus (cm) and position (cp). If your cm is watery or like eggwhites, that is the most fertile and you should have sex any time you see if if you're trying to get pregnant. A fertile cp is high, soft and open. offers free charting software (you can purchase the VIP membership, but it's not worth it in my opinion--the chart is just as effective without it), and the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler is FANTASTIC. It's my ttc bible!

Once you've figured out ovulation, your most fertile days are the 3-4 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after (although the day after is more of a one last shot type of thing--it's pretty unlikely to get pregnant then since the egg only lives for 12-24 hours).

I hope I've helped--good luck!

Julie P2008-11-15T17:57:29Z


You said your period ended on the 27th, when did it start and how long are your cycles usually? The 'average' cycle is 28 days, and the 'average' time to ovulate is right in the middle at 14 days. I say 'average' because we are all different. Typically you will ovulate 12-15 days before your next period starts.

As for how to tell if you are ovulating, you can chart your temps each morning, or use ovulation predictor kits...or just monitor your cervical mucus CM...your CM (discharge) will be heavier and stretchier and slipperier around when you ovulate.

hope this helps, email me if you got questions

Nicole A2008-11-15T17:56:40Z

I looked this up somewhere before as i am 22 with a child and didnt know lol.
You can tell by your discharge when your most fertile time of the month is.
Staight after a period you wont get any discharge.
After a few days you should get the white discharge.
Its when your discharge it slimy,clear and stretchy that you are at your most fertile. your temp will also go up by a couple of degrees which is another sign.
It only lasts a max of 3 days tho so do it constant around that time if you want to fall preg again (i did)! lol

good luck!

Julia ♥2008-11-15T17:54:14Z

Ovulation often occurs about 14 days BEFORE your next period starts, if ur a 28 days cycle you'll ovulate on day 14 and 14 days later you will get ur period or you get a positive if you get pregnant.

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