crayon in Dryer Problem Answered?
I researched the internet today because my daughter threw a red crayon in the dryer while it was running. Everthing that I read either did not work or was very difficult so I tried my own method AND it WORKED!!!!!! Here it is for all those who run into this!
I had a small bottle of goo gone that I bought at the dollar store (2 oz I think) I dumped it into the washer and filled it with water (originally cold but after 2 hours no change so I then added hot) I let the clothes soak for almost 6 hours. Most of it was gone by then. I then ran the washer 2 more times with detergent to get the greasy feel off the clothes. (I did this once before on a smaller scale for superglue and it also worked then....maybe I should buy stock in goo gone and magic erasers since I love them so much!
Everything came out perfect as if the crayon incident never happened. I am not sure if the hot water made a difference but nothing had to get thrown away. Hope this helps future searchers!!!
10 points to whomever :) Just wanted tog et the information out there since it worked