A question about the arcade 360's?
i have have a 360 and it wont play some games. so far it wont play midnight club LA which i just bought. and it wont play GTA4. they will both play for a few minutes then the message across the screen comes up and says cannot read disk. and i just got it back from someone locally who i sent it to so they could replace the laser in the dvd drive.
and even after having that replaced it still does it. what should i do? should i send it to microsoft and let them have it for a month or more, and fix it. or just got buy a new arcade bundle for 200 bucks and at least ill have a warranty.
but my overall question can you hook up a 360 hard drive to the arcade 360's or only a memory card?
and no the games are not broken they were both brand new games, which i went and exchanged both of them because i thought it was the games.
and when i play the games on my friends system's they play fine and nothing happens