Why do some people say that Catholics are going to hell?

I see that on here from time to time, people saying that their works will lead them to hell. I don't think that is true and it is certainly not loving to say so.

If salvation is through Christ, then all of the extra stuff that people do doesn't matter, right? You can please the church, but you can't please God, only Christ can.


Favorite Answer

You know Birdie...I was raised a Catholic. And because of my mother's great faith in the Lord I was taught about him through the Catholic faith and in the Catholic ways...and you know Jesus found me and taught me so much more...through the full gospel...he replaced what was incorrect and lead me into his truth. Much to my utter horror I had heard in this protestant churchs (not Catholic) the same views...that Catholics aren't saved...you are right in your thinking and good for you to say so. I second your statement. Many Catholics along with many other denominations will be with Christ! For heaven sakes...the apostles wwere lead to a Roman centrurian who prayed daily in front of an altar to hius unknown God and God saw to it that he was saved. Only God knows what is in a person's heart. And all are invited to salvation. Futhermore, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. The main reason, Catholics are counted in is because of their faith...Do any of us dare judge?
Catholics are loved no less. Also when you look into the doctrine...the Apostles creed is the doctrine of the Catholic church but it is found in this doctrine the salvation message. I don't agree with the doctrine of putting Mary before the Lord, etc. That is what God replaced in my heart with the truth. Jesus Christ is the only name whereby we shall be saved!

I am not a Catholic today, I am one of Christ's as many of them are too. God bless you Birdie!


Catholics In Hell


The Catholic religion is not the only religion. There are several religions that believe that they have the only right religion; that means that if they are right Catholic's go to hell for not following the supposed right religion.

Wow a lot of people answered fast on this one. Catholics believe that anyone who doesn't follow their beliefs goes to hell so this is just fair.


how the hell are catholics going to hell!? and first of all just so you know from what other people said I am catholic and CATHOLICS DO Not WORSHIP THE Virgin MARY! she is the mother of god! right! she influenced jesus and raised him to be who he was on Earth and it is the same for saints they are like role models and for every non catholic out there just because we have a pope that doesn't mean we agree with what he says like you all who try to skip around to different christan religons and try to find little bitty things wrong with them. and isn't that kind of predjudice that people think we are going to hell? catholics didn't do anything wrong and just because a few catholics did bad things in world history doesn't make everyone bad! don't assume every catholic believes in the exact same thing. that's not true we are human beings too we have a right to have an opinion and I'm Catholic and I'm FOR GAY MARRIGE! I don't agree with every thing the catholic church believes but that doesn't even get close into convincing me to leave the Catholic Church it is the "original" christian religon and it isn't twisted around with false information like the other christian relgions are. but don't take this personally this is to every one out there. Great question though! :]

mike hughes 522008-11-16T17:54:49Z

This is what happens when you get to many religions and a lot of generic ego's together all thinking that they all have the truth and that everybody else is wrong and going to burn in some kind of ridiculous hell.This is all going to end very soon when the Great World Teacher Maitreya comes to help at the creation of a new kind of spirituality that will be compatible with all peoples every where and will as well be tolerant towards all faiths around the world.

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