Who knows what to do for a tooth ache?

I have a killer tooth ache. I have already been to the dentist and he gave me vicodin and penicillin. Started them today, but it's not even close to killing the pain. Does anyone out there have any suggestions how to deaden the pain a little more?


Favorite Answer

try rubbing ice on where the pain is hope you feel better soon or try orajel it's found at most stores


Rub Bacardi 151 on your gum surrounding the infected tooth. It will numb it way longer than orajel.

Joseph, II2008-11-17T06:06:05Z

I've always found just plain Aspirin works best on toothaches... I hope You get to see that Dentist again REAL soon... Toothaches are the WORST !!! :(


Maybe you should try munching on betel leaves, clove- These are natural and could lessen the pain.

Mr. Mister2008-11-17T06:12:37Z

try Orajel. it usually helps by numbing it.