What are the real reasons people rally against the expression of White Pride?

It seems that blacks in America have been given more and more in order to "make up for past inequalities" that it has had an adverse effect on white rights. Affirmative action was a great example. Now it is perfectly acceptable to make something "black" i.e. BET but if you try and have a "white" organization you are a racist. When will we stop accepting inequality and have real equality across the board?


Remember RECENT history? A group of blacks beat a white man almost to death for no reason. Blacks beat up Asian store owners for working 18 hour days to make a living and send his children to college. Blacks like Ferrakahn preach hatred of Jews more than any white group.


As far as the issue of slavery, it ended in America in 1865!! Jews were slaves for almost a THOUSAND years, and as recently as 1945 were killed and tortured in the MILLIONS. They don't cry about it and have worked hard to become successful and wealthy.


OGUN... Your comments are exactly what I would expect from a product of the American white guilt generation, who get into college on a scholarship only because your dad ran out after he knocked up your Mom and you are a minority.

Associating "White Pride" with all the things you mentioned just shines a beacon on exactly what I am talking about. White Pride is associated with uneducated, poor white people instead of men who are decendants of the founding fathers and have built this country into the economic power it is today. What has the black race done? Umm... just look at Africa and show me ANY country that has government stability, equality and social justice. There are none! That is your racial heritage.


jaysunproxie... go back to the bong and your PS2 and leave the intelligent conversations to the adults.


Britney... you are late for your prom. Just sit there and be pretty with your mouth closed.


Let me dispell the ignorance that "White Pride" represents "White Supremacy". I'm a Christian who believes in the equality of all men and women. However, I do not believe in my race being made to feel responsible for what you would call atrocities. Africans enslaved Africans and sold those they had taken from other tribes to white men and others! Get over it as so many others have done.


Ignorance abounds and there is no way anyone of intelligence will ever see my point of view and that is why White racism against blacks is going to do nothing but grow!


Favorite Answer

There is just a resentment that stems from European conquest and might. If anything the human members of Europe or those that originated from Europe should be proud. It’s not like “white people” were the only ones enslaving other ethnic groups and conquering. Blacks enslaved each other. Middle easterners or Islamic type ethnic groups captured over a million Europeans to be used as slaves. The Aztec's conquered other tribal groups and used them for sacrifices...and the list goes on...

However European/European Descendants remained on top in the end so other ethnic/racial groups resent that.

True equality will occur when we stop promoting diversity and instead aim for pluralism. BET, ethnic clubs in schools are all contributors to racism. Why? Because we are distinguishing ourselves from each other.

Black Entertainment Television? There’s no reason we should be specifying entertainment based on the color of your skin.

Renee Josephine2008-11-18T00:07:36Z

I'm proud of my heritage. Not of my race as no one should be. It doesn't make you special. My race has done both good and bad things just like every other race has. So many people will say slavery or whatever but considering white people nowadays aren't enslaving anyone, that's not a good reason. Also what people don't realize is that not all white people have ancestors that were involved in slavery and some white cultures got screwed over by other white cultures. I'm ethnic Cornish and the Cornish have been screwed over by England for ages and are still being screwed over. So every race/culture has had its problems with other races/cultures. However white people are not allowed to show much pride in the USA. It's a double standard. If one group can celebrate their heritage, all should be allowed to.


ok sparky aside from shoving your foot in your mouth what are ya hoping to do here? since when has a rally of any kind ever stopped white folks before? however we can enjoy our own freedom without pissing all over someone else's, there's really not much to be ashamed of when ya look at it, we just took what was already happening on a tribal scale and moved 'im up to a global level, natives and black folks were fighting over resources long before we started mucking about. what didn't need to happen was that we didn't need to keep crushing the will of those that were conquered. you wanna be proud of being white? knock yourself out, someone wants to call ya racist over that let 'im it's only a problem if ya let it be one, just remember there has to be room for everyone else as well, all the races may not play nice but we all have to live here, i suggest ya square with that


"When will we stop accepting inequality and have real equality across the board?"

Maybe a better question is, why do so many black people themselves feel the need to install bars on their windows when living in black neighborhoods, but not when they move into white ones? Reputation creates discrimination. Discrimination leads to inequality. Get rid of the reputation that prompts BLACK PEOPLE THEMSELVES to discriminate (raise their guard) against their own kind. Then maybe we could be on our way to some kind of solution.


i don't, I mean, after all it's true, with the exception of slavery, etc. white people have plenty to be proud of, I mean, that's who founded this country

I'm a minority and I really don't care about the whole white pride deal..be proud of your race man.

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