Have you seen Twilight?

Have you seen the movie Twilight? I still haven't seen it, but I must know...is the meadow scene as good in the movie as it is in the book?


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I saw it last night. I didn't think the meadow scene was as good as it was in the book. A lot of the effects were a little too over-the-top. It wasn't done horribly, I just think it could have been a lot better. I was so glad that they didn't ruin the whole Edward sparkling in the sunlight thing. It was very subtle. I would have cringed if they had poured glitter all over him.

Overall, the movie was good. The second half of the movie, in my opinion, was much better than the first. The baseball scene is, in my opinion, the best scene they shot in the movie. I loved it.

Life Goes On2008-11-23T18:28:28Z

Not even close. They totally ruined it. And it happens in some lame forest not a beautiful meadow that the book describes. It was still a good scene but it was WAY less romantic and they totally rushed the scene so the magic was gone.


No, the whole Q&A period between Edward and Bella is completely laking. It is all dubbed over by music. It was a good movie though. Still go see it, no movie ever compares to the book. I waited in line 2 and a half hours Thursday at midnight, and I wasn't dissapointed.

Lucky D2008-11-23T18:23:50Z

No the book's scene was better because u get to picture it as u like. The movie was good but the book was so much better!


Yes I haven't seen the movie yet but I LOVE the book! Edward is so hot..lolz
But other then that its very passionit

A clue;;
At the end of the book Edward takes Bella to prom ! Jocob cut in a little wile the were dancing but Edward was so sweet to Bella

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