if you were in space would you drink your pee?

do you really need detail


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let's see - drink it and live
not drink it - and die

yes I think I'd do it

how about you


Question = Fail

1st of all if you drank your piss you would die, there is toxins and stuff in it.

2nd of all in space there is a very limited supply of whatever if your up there for months and months. It goes through an intense purifying system that takes out the toxins and such and then it goes through another one to turn it into water.

3rd basically you could be drinking dinosaur piss but it goes through the cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation etc.) so basically its the same thing.


i'd rather die cause i'm gonna die eventually in space without water and besides, i'm sure pee tastes NASTY!, and there's a reason why we pee. there's toxins in pee and it's the "liquid waste" that comes out. there's a reason why pee doesnt come in bottles for people to drink.


yes, I would drink my own pee from my space boot, with a nice turd as an appetizer


No, I rather die of thirst.

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