Do identical twins ?
do identical twins have the same fingerprints and DNA?
do identical twins have the same fingerprints and DNA?
Favorite Answer
Identical twins have the same DNA. That's because identical twins arise from the same sperm and egg that meet at conception to create one embryo. Then, for some reason, that embryo splits into 2 to create two identical twins. So because twins originally come from the same 1 embryo, they have identical DNA. As for fingerprints, I'm not sure, but I would assume that identical twins would not have the same fingerprints just because we know that genes do not directly control everything, and that environmental influences also play a role - that's why identical twins can end up being different height, etc.
Also, to the above person who said that identical twins share DNA the way a brother and sister do, that's incorrect. Brothers and sisters share approx 50% of their DNA. Identical twins share 100%. :)
Dina Felice
Identical twins have different fingerprints--fingerprints are *influenced* by genetics, but they are not a strictly genetic trait. This is why, when someone is extolling the virtues of fingerprinting, they say "even identical twins don't have the same fingerprints".
Identical twins have essentially the same DNA: they both came from the same fertilized egg. However, small changes in DNA begin accumulating very early on. Many of these changes would not necessarily be seen with our current technology (you'd have to scan the whole genome of both twins in great detail), but they are not exactly the same...although far, far closer than any other genetic relationship.
Same DNA. Fingerprints I don't know. I would go with no even if they were born with the same fingerprints because of scarring throughout life...
Weise Ente
They have the exact same DNA, but different yet very similar fingerprints.
There is some variance in the formation of fingerprints even though it is partially genetic.
they do. both are from the same egg, so the same exact DNA are present in both. fingerprints may be different, as certain genes are expressed, or turned on, in each twin.