Is it rude not to answer a phone call?

I call my son who is at college here in town. He doesn't answer or return my calls. Yet, he will see me and act like nothing is wrong? To me, this is just rude and I cannot understand what he is thinking. Maybe I am out of touch.


I call less than once a month. The reason is that he doesn't answer.


Favorite Answer

It's not rude; just inconsiderate. I have 5 (kids, that is) and they are all busy getting on with their own lives and problems. I usually don't hear from them until they need a favor (of course!) I just send them a note asking when their body cast will be removed, since I know that only complete immobility would prevent them from picking up a phone to call their mother.


Your son not returning your calls is wrong. You should remind him that you are still his mom and that when you call he needs to return your calls. You also have to tell him that you do worry when he does not return your calls. And tell him how it hurts you when he doesn't return your calls. Ask him how he would feel if you treated him that way. If you are the one that is paying for his college then you should remind him of that too. I think your son going to college probably went up to his head and he probably feels that now he no longer needs his mom. But don't let him get away with this.


Sometimes in college People get really busy, with school, social life, friends, homework and all the daily living stuff that once a call does come in you feel like you can't give that person the quilty time that they deserve and so when he sees you he is happy and feels like he can spend one on one time with you without interruptions. No matter Your his parent and he is always going to come home to talk to you. that's a bond that no matter how old you are or how far away you are we always come home and tell our parents everything about college...*wink*


My twin and i got out of college last year and my mom was always calling and if i was in there with my twin and a roomate or a cute guy i didn't wanna answer the phone!! Its kind of normal yes its a bit rude but...We have our reasons! Why dont you talk to him about it? Texting is always a solution too!


Maybe your son doesn't like you checking up on him all the time. Maybe when he comes to visit you then you should just be happy that he's there. Also wait for him to call you, if somethings wrong tell him that he can tell you anything, then maybe he'll open up to you when something is wrong. It may be rude but kids are kids.

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