What besides the mortgage issue + there not being enough money in the banks is causing all this financial...?

drama? Basically if everything was ok with those two, would everything else fall back into place?


And you don't think if those two were straight that the circulation of money would significantly improve?

Jonathan R2008-11-28T04:47:48Z

Favorite Answer

Those who have computer programs that sell automatically.
Those who use the stocks as a means of gaining short term wealth instead of as a long term investment.
Those whose greed makes our nation's companies go over seas, costing jobs to us and creating less customers here to buy their lower priced goods made elsewhere.

In short, greed.


Of course not. It's about the circulation of money that is the most important. Picture this way. The population of the world is growing rapidly but the fiscal policies of the world is almost the same as it were hundreds of years ago. What can be done is to upgrade the policy to a more up-to-date policy. But the best thing to do is "USE MONEY WISELY." Use it at the right time and save it at the right time and create it at the right time. It's like our body's nutrients. We now when to get the right amount of nutrients but we're not doing it right. So now we develop problem.



the usa is flawed economically after years of bad policies. I can only summarize those bad policies like this for you.

In earlier years of the USA as we became a great economic power...earlier american politicians used tariffs...today we think tariffs are taboo. Years ago marginal tax rates on the rich used to be as high as 94%...as recently as the 1980's the top marginal rate for the people of highest income was 70%....today...people cry that a 28% top tax rate is too high and they want more tax cuts even as budget deficits spiral into the stratosphere and we are in hock to our necks to other countries. We have allowed illegal aliens to illegally come here and take jobs at will that belong to americans and depress their wages. We import workers from other countries to also give more american workers' jobs to them and depress wages even more. We think that closing down american factories laying off american workers and sending their jobs to other countries..making the goods over there and bringing them back to the USA is good for the country. We have encouraged fuel inefficiency in cars and have twarted efforts to become more energy independent from foreign oil by purposely delaying improvements in technologies such as the electric car. We have not invested in a major way in infrastructure in a long time...etc.... We are fighting 2 wars going on with no end in sight....and more potential ones brewing..

We think deregulation of wall street and banking is a good thing...and that we can trust them to make decisions that are good for the country.

The foreclosures occurred partly due to deregulation, partly because of greed and partly due to the artificially low interest rates that blew up the housing bubble which eventually had to crash. Stock prices also were inflated because america no longer makes anything except shuffle paper and trying to inflate stocks.

its a perfect storm....in many respects the challenges we face today are much worse than they were around 1932.


There is lots of money in the Banks, its all ours , the taxpayers, that the Government have given to their friends so they can lend it back to us and charge interest.

Basically, it works like this-
Banks lend us our money back on credit cards.
We buy things.
Retailers make profit pay tax and VAT.
Banks charge us interest on our own money.
Banks get rich.
Government collects tax to give to Banks and pay out benefits.
We get further in debt.
If we dont pay interest to Banks on our money they take our homes.
Banks get our homes for peanuts, and sell them for big profits.
Banks get rich.
Government collects tax.
Banks prosper.
We face pestilence.
Our economy survives on us borrowing our own money on credit cards,and those on benefits to boost the coffers of Banks, retailers, the Government and Chinese industry.

The winners Banks, Retailers, the Government and Chinese industry.

The losers you and me.

Its lunacy!

Winston Churchill, a great leader, who passionately believed in our Nation and ran it through its most dire period to victory said-


Our Government despite this great leaders warnings want us to be the scape goats for their incompetence.

But they have proven on so many occasions they could not run a bath!