Has anyone seen this map?


I know a lot don't like links but this one is really interesting..


To those who wonder what my question is..I found the map interesting and thought others would too so that's why I posted it to see what others thought of the map.


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Yeah. Most of the country, where people work for a living, voted Republican. High population areas with lots of people on welfare and/or illegal aliens voting, voted for the Kenyan.


I couldn't get the link to work, but I gather the map was going to show that McCain won more counties? Am I correct? Well, who cares? What matters is HOW MANY PEOPLE were in the respective counties. For instance, winning Utah, Montana, and Alaska is not the equivalent of winning California, New York, and Pennsylvania. Three states either way, right? Wrong. What matters is how many people are in each state.

More people voted for Obama.


No I haven't, but I don't understand the point of this simple question. Are you trying to point out that there is more red in areas where the population is microscopic compared to the towering big cities? I hope you do realize--you sore loser--that residents of the red areas are residents of rural areas where their neighbor lives a quarter mile down the road. Nevermind, I don't think you realized that...you just like all the pretty colors on the interactive map!

You know what...we can start calling the KKK "red supremists"!


Interesting. No I hadn't seen the whole country map. But in Oregon the big cities and university towns voted for Obama and rural Oregon voted for McCain. Big surprise. Education and exposure to a mix of ideas makes one more liberal.


First enable me say i'm no longer a racist. i might vote for Powell, Rice, or JC Watts in a heartbeat. i'm undecided that adequate human beings share my view. Does all and multiple think of Obama extremely has of challenge in various the "aggressive pink states?"

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