Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls?

I'm 19, and i'm a attractive guy and fun to be around.
But when it comes to girls i'm always a little nervous
to go up to a girl when my friends are around. The
funny thing is I only see girls I like when i'm with my
friends, any help?


Favorite Answer

Man up! Lol

Joey Warren2014-06-02T22:25:36Z

i told my girlfriend how i felt and i was really nervous cause we really didn't hang out much before we started dating but as hard as it seems to just say how you feel, thats gonna be the most effective way by far


wow, that's wird coz i know a guy like you, he wants to talk to me but he won't come coz he is always around with his friends so you better be braver or just come out once alone so go up to a girl and start talking!
i always thought that boys are not shy and girls are, LOL
come on be barve LUKE


Try & Get interact with girl of diff. ages. At beginning you may feel panic. no worry, Attempt again and again it improves confidence. Learn from mistakes. Foret failures and insults. Keep sweet memories and keep on attempting . You will succed.


It's okee
There's always the shy type
Just go up to the girl you like and tell her how you feel, hard but easy at the same time ;)

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