What ever happened to all the free Government cheese?

Kenneth B2008-12-13T16:56:08Z

Favorite Answer

It was never free, it was paid for by the taxpayers. The government sets a "floor" for milk prices and when production exceeds demand, the government has to buy the excess. It is stored as dried milk, cheese, and other products. In recent years surpluses have been lower and much of the surplus goes to foreign aid, school lunches, and food banks.


I think the cheese aged well and now is sending ripple waves in Illinois... :) Apparently this is the sign of time, now people on WIC get a range of options to choose from while shopping. I guess people are more picky now than before - I read a complaint some time ago that someone donated a lot of barely used or brand new baby clothing to a charity and the charity accepted it but complained that the clothing was "terribly out of fashion." I have never been on any type of assistance, thanks God, but sometimes I ask myself whether people in need can request designer clothing and brand name foods only, something that I sometimes cannot afford working hard, and that sounded strange...


It caused too many people to have gas and there for sent all this methane into the atmosphere causing Global Warming so Al Gore had them stop it. He is using the money that went to buy the cheese to supply him with donuts


Yeah really. That stuff made some good grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese. The good ol days.


The government forgot to set the mouse trap and the mice had a free meal on it,

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