1997 Taurus heater issue, Can a ford guru gimme a shout?
Okeedokee, thermostat is good, good flow through core. Still only get lukewarm air to the cockpit. What else is left and if it's not too much, a quick rundown on where and what I have to rip out to get at it.
Old Man Dirt2008-12-15T16:30:58Z
Favorite Answer
There are some vacuum lines attached to the heater controls. One of these may be plugged or not attached. But first I would check the heater temp. When moved you should hear a flap opening and closing on the passanger side of the car. The part that may be bad is the blend door accurator. See the Autozone link.
I doubt absolutely everyone remains interpreting this, yet in case there is the following is the most in all likelihood answer. all of us is protecting heater center. likely not. the clicking is in all likelihood from the administration unit that adjusts the nice and cozy temperature. For some causes fords of this 12 months are terrible about SOMEHTING getting out of adjustment. The administration servo tries to flow to a ideas one way or the different. It then hits the stops yet keeps to objective to flow. It starts stripping gears and could eventually get to the point that it gained't flow both way because the gears are tousled. Had that subject with a ninety seven taurus i purchased. I replaced the nice and cozy temperature administration unit and it fairly works. notwithstanding, i won't be able to turn the administration nob all the way don on the chilly area or it starts clicking (striping teeth on the gears). SO I do only not turn all of it the thanks to the chilly area. To previous of a clunker for me to pressure about investigating extra.
The blend door prob is not opening all the way, usually these are vacuum controlled and allow the fan to get heat from the heater core. Not sure where it is at but it defiantly is in the dash, usually real hard to get too.
More than likely the blend door actuator. Save yourself some time and money. Buy a cheap choke cable kit from your local autoparts store and mount it where you can reach it. Did this on my own Taurus years ago.